Podcast Outro Script

Dan Jean
Podcast content script writer
14 min readMar 24, 2021

Podcast outro: Here are proven ideas and examples to help you to write the ending of your podcast episode on a memorable note!

Hello Podcaster,

I am Dan Jean, a podcast content writer and I want to help you write a great podcast outro or closing with the right ideas, tip, and examples so your listeners won’t forget what you said.

First and foremost, I would like to ask you these simple questions.

· If you are not sure of what to say at end of your podcast or even how to say it well, then, this text is for you.

· If you are looking for ideas to help you write a podcast outro or ending, then this text is for you.

· If you are looking for podcast ending examples to help you finish off strong, then this text is for you.

If you are looking for podcast outro music to help you end on a strong note, then this text is for you.

Please kindly bear with me for just a moment as I take you through everything you need to know to help you a podcast outro script.

Before we do that, let’s look at this short video so we can glean some lessons about how to write a good podcast ending . Hit the play button and enjoy for a couple of minutes.

Can This Story Help You Write A Great Podcast Ending?

Now, let’s see how we can glean some useful lessons from this short story.

Have you ever watched the bible movie about Samson?

OK, let me tell you a little about it.

The Jews were under cruel bondage for disobeying the God of heaven and earth for almost 40 years.

God’s people were sore afflicted that he sent an angel to the wife of Manoah to tell her that she was carrying a special child.

Manoah her husband couldn’t believe it. So he prayed and asked God to reveal himself to him.

Sure enough, the angel of the Lord comes back to tell the couple that child she was carrying would be the deliverer of Israel and specific instructions were given that no razor should come upon the child’s head. Neither should he drink wine nor eat of the grape of the vine.

True to God’s word, Little Sampson grew into a very unique child with incredible strength and became a deadly thorn in the Philistines side on every side.

Not good with words? But want to come up with an engaging podcast outro script. Click here for help now.

Over time, he grew so strong that he could kill a wild lion with bare hands. Once, he set the vineyard and orchid of the Philistines on fire and did many other marvelous things which are out of the ordinary.

But he had a problem. Guess what? The world’s most powerful man had a particularly soft spot for women. She flit from lady to another like a butterfly and finally got married to a Philistine against his parents will.

Once, Samson visited his wife but her father in law didn’t want him to see her because he wasn’t so sure what was on the young man’s mind. Samson later found out that his wife had been given to another man.

Full of rage, he went and caught three hundred jackals, and torched them and released them into the grain fields, the vineyards and olive groves of the Philistine’s.

When they got to know why Samson had lost his mind, they burned Samson’s father in law and her daughter to death with fire.

Later, he fell in love with a prostitute called Delilah. Delilah was persuaded by her country folks to find out the source of this very powerful and strong man’s strength. But Samson wouldn’t budge.

After pestering him for so long, he told her that if he’s tied with ropes he can be easily captured and tortured.

With the evil men hiding in Delilah’s chamber, she tied Samson and told him that his enemies were coming after him.

Upon realizing that he was danger, God’s spirit descended on him like fire and he snapped the rope like a mere wrist band and killed a thousand of them with a jawbone.

He had deceived his charming evil queen. This went on for quite some time until he senselessly let his secret out.

He told Delilah about God’s plan not to have his hair shave off. After luring him to bed, Delilah shaved off his locks and called him again to fight his enemies.

This time, he couldn’t stand them at all. He was captured and badly beaten like a very dangerous criminal and finally thrown into prison where he was made to grind corn and work so hard like a slave to the taunting remarks of the happy and scornful Philistines.

Finally, his eyes was removed with hot thongs and was humiliated like firing squad bound thief.

At a state dinner to honor their god, Dagon, he’s called to entertain the huge crowd in attendance.

Sensing the folly he had gotten himself into, he prayed to the God of heaven and said: ‘’ Forgive me my sins and strengthen me just once more.’’

Having said that prayer, a little strength returned to him and he pushed the pillars he was leaning so hard that it dropped like stones on almost everyone in the room, killing more people than he had in his lifetime.

You should have seen those on the top of the roof where the party was going on. They wished they had wings like birds to fly out of there. But no, they grounded into pieces like particles of sand and died.

Samson died too and was buried by his own family. How regrettable!

So, What Goes Into Creating A Podcast Outro Script?

Let me ask you this…which part of the story did you really enjoy? Although that was a short story, what stuck with me was the prayer he said at the end of his life.

Can You Use Any Of These To End Your Podcast Episode?

Speaking of the end of his life reminds me of how most podcasters close their shows.

If you have ever listened to an entire podcast show from start to finish, you would realize that most shows close with one or more of the following text or ideas.

Got any idea what they are?

1. The podcaster wraps up and thanks the listeners for sticking with him from the start of the show until the last words are spoken.

The benefit? It’s only human nature to show appreciation for someone’s time and effort and doing that shows you value and respect your listeners.

2. You might also give your loyal listeners a gift or a little surprise for hanging out with you . The benefit of this is similar to the point raised above.

3. You can recap the whole episode briefly by restating the main ideas….The reason for this? Recapping the main ideas would ensure that it gets burnished into your listeners’ mind. Thus, helping them to implement what they have learned from listening to your podcast show.

4. You can simply state your call to action at the end of your podcast episode.

You can ask them to visit your website to join your email list, leave a review on your podcast page or on any of the directories, or even follow you on social media sites like Facebook. Usually, most listeners may not take the desired action unless you offer them something specific in return.

For example, if you ask someone to join your mailing list, there should be a motivation for asking them to sign up.

Ok, I will explain further. If your episode is about ‘’How to sleep well at night’’, you can ask them to sign up for your newsletter to get stories of how people slept well after listening to that particular episode or followed a recommended path.

If your listener is having trouble sleeping well at night, then they would definitely check out on that offer to find out how people like him or her cured their insomnia.

5. Give your listeners a reason to come back with a teaser of what’s to come in the next show. For example, if that episode is a series, just let them know what you are going to talk about subsequently if your content is somewhat connected with your last episode. This not only creates continuity, but your listeners would ask friends and family to listen in if your content provides real value.

6. Also, use the closing lines of your podcast script to thank people like your production team and other guests who were on the show. If the list is too long, you can mention their names briefly and state their contribution to your show.

7. After all is said and done, you just have to wish your listeners well and simply sign off.

8. Your sponsors are paying your bills and it’s so important that you talk about them before you end your podcast show by letting your listeners know the products and services they offer.

Very busy and don’t have time to write a podcast script? I can help you write a captivating podcast outro script. Click here for help now.

So, Which Ideas(s) Should You Go For?

That seems like a tall list and you are probably thinking if you should plug all of that into your podcast show ending.

If you ask me if you should, I would say no to that.

Why? That’s because our minds can only take in a few things at a time. It’s like meeting an old friend and bombarding him with several questions on the spot. That friend might not only be confused but he or she would also end up answering one or two questions well.

So, before you wrap up, it’s always best to consider what your goals and objectives are for a particular podcast episode and pick what you really want to close your episode with.

If you are a seasoned podcaster and you have a pretty large following, you might briefly end your podcast with all eight tips.

However, if you are starting out and barely have an audience, then you can probably leave out the following from what you are going to say at end of your show.

· Sponsors if you are the sole financier of your show

· Thanking your production team if you are a one man band

If you are a new podcaster or don’t have a massive amount of listeners, then, I strongly suggest that you use your podcast outro to build your email list or grow your social media following instead.

Once, your audience grows, it would become way easier to get your audience to listen to your show, resulting in lots of downloads.

Once they ‘’walk through the door’’, you can add other things like name of sponsors and other thing that make up a great podcast outro.

Here Are Some Podcast Ending Script Examples

With that being said, let’s look at a few excellent podcast outros or ending examples that would inspire you to write a great podcast ending.

Here you go:

Podcast Ending Example # 1: Smart Passive Income (SPI 462)

All right, I hope you enjoyed that episode with Heather Osgood, again, you can find her and her company at TrueNativemedia.com. And again, big shout out to her and the entire team over there for helping us manage our advertising to help take a lot of the load off our backs and to help us honestly just make more money and do it in a very genuine way. So thank you, Heather. Thank you True Native Media. And thank you the listener for listening all the way through. I appreciate you so, so much. And I hope that you take some valuable information from this episode and apply it in one way or another into your business.

Speaking of applying in your business, we have a lot of things coming up this year that you can definitely apply to help you grow your business, maintain it, and scale it, have more of a team, generate more income, get more email subscribers, all those kinds of things. If that sounds great to you, please make sure you subscribed. If you’re not subscribed, I would love to help you, hit subscribe so you don’t miss any other episodes. Thank you in advance for all the reviews that have been coming in. They come in every single day. And my team and I, we read them, we review them. I appreciate them so, so much. And I look forward to serving you in the next episode as well. So hit subscribe and I’ll see you then. Cheers, take care, and as always, Team Flynn for the win. Peace out.

Thanks for listening to the Smart Passive Income Podcast at www.SmartPassiveIncome.com!

Podcast Outro Example # 2: James Schramko….How To Recover SEO Ranking Drop- Case Study

You know, it’s like, I’m just absolutely blown away that there’s so much demand for SEO now. And the good operators, you know, they have to be good. And there’s great things to be gotten from SEO. It’s all amazing. Even in our own websites, a lot of my purchases come from SEO-generated inquiries. And I’ve got you to thank for our improvements in that lately. So let’s get back on a future episode. For now, if you’re interested in having your website checked out, you can ask Gert to do that over at SEOLeverage.com. And we’re going to catch up with Gert in a future episode. Thank you so much for listening to SuperFastBusiness.

This is Episode 757. Gert packs a lot of information into this conversation. We also put together a handy little condensed guide as a PDF download, you can pop your email address in, get the download, and you’ll be able to go through this episode and really make sure that you get the best results from it. Give it to your team, get an audit, and watch your SEO results improve. Until next time, I’m James Schramko. This is SuperFastBusiness.com

Podcast Ending Example# 3: The Jay Kim Show With John Lee Dumas

I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. All the show notes and links can be found over at jaykimshow.com. Come back often and make sure you subscribe, rate and review. Don’t forget to join us next week for another exciting episode of the Jay Kim Show. I’d love to hear your comments. You can find me on twitter at Jay Kimmer, J-A-Y K-I-M-M-E-R. See you guys next week.

Want help with your podcast outro script. Click here for help now.

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Now, let’s take each of the above podcast outro templates and break them down so we can identity the concluding elements that can help you end your podcast show with a bang.

Now, let’s start with the first example: Smart Passive Income (SPI 462). Please look carefully at the screenshot below and see the annotations on it.

I brought out points 4 and 6 as seen above. Can you spot any of the eight(8) basic features that can help you say what you want to say at end of your podcast show in there?

Again, this is another template. In blue, we can also see the components underlined and itemized.

I left out a couple of those basic elements. Do you have any idea where they are? I will give you a thunderous hand clap if you can do that. If you saw any of these(thank you and call to action) in the script, then you really deserve this:

what to say to end your podcast

Homework assignment: Please look at this great outro example below and see if it can inspire you to come up with the text for your podcast outro.

podcast outro tips and ideas

Starting a podcast show and juggling other personal commitments can be very stressful.

Aside from taking good care of yourself and family, you have a lot of things to take care off to make your show a hit. You have to book guests, interview them, record your voice, edit, and even write out your content before promoting your show.

All these tasks can take an awful lot of time.

When it comes to writing an engaging podcast outro script, you don’t have to stress over it so much because we can help you write a captivating podcast ending that will not only endear you to your audience but also win you zealous new fans too.

Just click here now and let’s help you write a very engaging podcast outro script that will make your podcast show stand out and make your listeners take decisive action on the products and services you have to offer.

Interested? You should if

You have no idea what goes into writing a very engaging podcast outro script

You are not good with words and you are not so sure about how to do it right

You are very busy and just don’t have time to put something together by yourself

You are expecting nothing less than a memorable podcast opening script

Ok, I am Interested, What’s the Cost?

You simply pay what you want after you’ve got your podcast outro script.

Why? As you know, the current health crisis has caused severe hardships for most people.

Precious lives have been lost, jobs wiped out and families displaced, leaving everyone wondering what the future holds.

Yet, podcasters are still planning shows and I love it when I read how shows have been beneficial in the lives of listeners.

So, please what you want now. When life gets back to normal, others are going to pay a flat fee for this to be done and this offer will be scrapped for good.

Remember, we are not only here to help you write but give you good tips and advice about how to get more listeners with your podcast intro.

So, please take advantage of it now even if you are planning your show or you are just thinking about it.

Please click here now and let’s help you write a very engaging podcast outro script that will make your podcast show stand out.

