Podcast transcription services or software

Dan Jean
Podcast content script writer
10 min readMay 13, 2021

What every podcaster needs to know before they transcribe their podcast episode….ignore them at your own risk

Hello Podcaster,

I am Dan Jean, a podcast content writer and I want to share with you a few things you really need to know before you transcribe your podcast episode the right way.

First and foremost, I would like to ask you these simple questions.

· Do you want to transcribe your podcast the right way without sacrificing its quality? Then, this post is for you.

· Are you looking for podcast transcription service or software to help you transcribe your podcasts? Then, this post is for you.

· Are you looking for the right podcast transcription tools to help you transcribe your podcasts the right way? Then this post is for you.

· Are you looking for great ideas and tips to help you transcribe your podcasts? Then this post is for you.

Please kindly bear with me for just a moment as I walk you through everything you need about transcribing podcast episode.

First, let us consider this joke as it has some connection to this post.

As a gesture to welcome him into his family, a very successful businessman gave his new son in law a half share of the firm.

‘’ From now on, ‘’ said the businessman, ‘’we are equal partners. All you have to do is go down to the factory each day and learn the ropes.’’

‘’ I couldn’t do that, ‘’ said the son in law. I hate factories. They are such noisy places.’’

‘’ That is no problem,’’ said the businessman. ‘’ We will put you in the office. You can oversee the clerical side.’’

‘’ No way! said the son in law. ‘’ I hate being stuck behind a desk all day.’’

Not surprisingly, the businessman was becoming irritated by this sheer display of ingratitude.

‘’ I have just made you half owner of this thriving company. First, I offer you a management position in the factory, but you don’t want it; then I offer you a management post in the office, but you don’t want that either. What am I going to do with you?’’

The son in law retorted, ‘’ You could always buy me out if you want to.’’

‘’ Well, my daughter would have to decide on this one’’

Did you that make you laugh? I am sure it did.

From that short extract, we clearly understand that the father of the bride and his new son in law both have varied concerns about the whole engagement.

Guess what? Whilst the old man’s motives were born out of love for this newly minted son in law, the young man didn’t think working at that firm would do him any good, hence his curt answer.

I am sure you might be wondering what that story has got to do with podcast transcription.

You see, although most people love to listen to good podcast shows, most of these listeners have different needs as far as consumption of your podcast’s content is concerned.

The overwhelming majority of podcasters wrongly assume that their voice is more than enough to get their message out there.

While that is true to an extent, the transcript of your podcast show can do a great job at reaching folks who are very hard of hearing.

Here is where a good podcast transcription comes in and in this piece, I am going to share with you reasons why it’s so important to always include podcast transcriptions on your website, blog or social media pages, how to use your podcast transcripts to get tons of new listeners via the search engines like Google, bing.com, how to repurpose your podcast transcripts so you can attract new listeners with your show, and how to choose the right service or tool for your transcription.

Are you ready to start? Ok, go grab your pen and paper and bear with me a little longer as we discover it all in the next few minutes.

You see, most podcasters simply dump their podcast transcripts below their show notes or even before it because they have been told to do just that.

While there’s nothing wrong with that approach, it doesn’t in anyway enhance the overall listening experience.

That being said, let’s look at why it is very essential to transcribe your podcast episodes since most podcasters don’t really know the essence of transcribing and including them on their website or social media page in the first place.

First, it enables people who might not readily have internet access to read your podcast transcriptions wherever they find themselves. This is particularly helpful if you are embarking on a vacation trip to some of the remotest places in the world.

Second, it makes referencing much easier especially if the podcast host or interviewee is not from your country.

Ok, let me explain further with this simple illustration. You are from the United States and listening to two Aussies talking about something dear to your heart.

You are enjoying the show until they mention something that throws your mind off gear and you begin to wonder what the hell they are talking about.

So, you rewind and hear it mentioned again and hit pause. You conclude that you have no idea about that since you are not very familiar with that.

If you are very curious like me, you will never stop thinking about that until you have the answer.

This happens because the pronunciation, vocabulary, and names of stuff vary from country to country. Podcast transcripts can solve this problem because your listener can quickly hit pause and go back to the written word to see what the podcaster is talking about. If they don’t know what it is you mentioned, they would simply look it up.

Third, some listeners always find themselves in situations where it becomes impossible to listen to audio clips due to distractions at work and in their personal space. By including podcast transcripts, they can take it all in bit by bit.

Fourth, it’s always a great idea to first create your podcast and then think about repurposing it to serve your audience.

You see, the overwhelming majority of podcasters don’t fully maximize the benefits of transcripts and those who do, don’t do it so well.

To stand out from the pack, you have to repurpose your text into various formats and distribute them widely because it’s a sure way of reaching a much wider audience with your message, thus getting you more listeners, subscribers, and downloads.

To make this possible, you always have to work with a plan.

For example, after you have created your podcast transcription, you need to dig down and figure out where you can grow your audience. If that sounds confusing, please don’t worry because I am going to illustrate with this podcast transcription example.

Please read through the example you will find very carefully and see my comments right below it.

The Smart Passive Income Podcast — Session #22 (TRANSCRIPT)

Affiliate Marketing Strategies, Tips and Strategies Show notes can be found at http://www.smartpassiveincome.com/session22

Hey everybody! What’s up, this is Pat Flynn, and welcome to session 22. Today I’m super stoked because we’re bringing back an old guest, a good friend of mine who really impressed people the first time around — Chris Guthrie from MakeMoneyOntheInternet.com who was our guest on Session #10 — where he talked about his success with the amazon.com affilaite program, and today we’re sort of doing a round table discussion (well, i don’t know if you can call it a round table since there’s only two of us — but anyways) we’re going to be discussing anything and everything about affiliate programs — selling products as an affiliate — how to maximize your click through rates, where to find products you can promote and just a number of tips, tricks and inspirational stories from our own experience that we’re happy to share with you today.

Now, for you absolute beginner’s out there, selling products as an affiliate works like this — you find a product that SOMEONE ELSE HAS CREATED (or maybe it’s a service — it could be a service too), and you generate leads or send people over to that product, and if any of those people make a purchase, you get a piece of the profit, or a commission.

And the reason why affiliate marketing is so beautiful, and attractive is — well, there are a few reasons. First, you don’t have to create the products yourself — they are already made for you by someone else. I’ve created my own products before (and I still continue to do so), but it requires a huge investment in time, especially if you want it to be a product you can be proud of and one that sells well.

With affiliate marketing, you don’t have to worry about that. Secondly, all you have to worry about is driving traffic through your links or channels to that product, and that’s it.

The product owner takes care of the payment processing, the customer service, any returns and all that stuff. Even setting up the sales page all the way down to the copy that’s written along with that product — you don’t have to worry about that either. And thirdly, and most importantly for many, is that it’s a relatively simple process to understand, and you can make good money from it!

Last month, I believe I hit about $18,000 in commissions from various affiliate programs that I’m a part of, which includes things totally unrelated to making money online or my blog, such as wedding invitations or solar panels.

Chris, of course, sells a lot of stuff from Amazon, and we’ll get into his exact figures in a second, but it’s just really impressive and hopefully together we can provide you with some good tips today.

That was a short transcript from this the Smart passive income podcast.

Please note: Before we get into the details, let me say some people like James Schranko prefer to simply hyperlink their pdf and offer it as download via email to grow their email list and that’s something I always recommend podcasters do because it’s one of the surest ways of getting in touch with your subscribers when you release new episodes.

Again, some folks create their transcripts based on the keywords searchers are looking for in the search engines. That’s by far the smartest way of getting eyeballs on your content and ultimately converting those casual readers into lifelong fans of your show.

Now, let us see how we can use the above podcast transcript to grow your audience as I mentioned.

It’s so easy. If you want to cast a very wide net in your uncharted ‘’ sea’’, then you have to create multiple write-ups from that transcript and distribute it evenly across your preferred social media sites and blogs or website pages.

For example, you create topical headlines or content topics from that podcast transcript we saw earlier and you will end up with topics for articles or headline like:

1. How a complete marketing novice made money in just 1 week as an affiliate, and how you can too

2. How to easily make $1000 every month as a beginner

3. Shy Super Affiliate Shows You Can Easily Make $ 1000 A Month Without Selling A Product

Well, after you have written a title, you then proceed to compose a blog post or article based on your podcast transcription.

If I were to do that with the above transcript, this is how I would start.

I am going to use portions of that sample/template as a guide to help me write. First, here’s an excerpt.

Now, let us see how we can make something out of that ‘’screenshoted’’ example. To do that, we first have to get a title for it and i am thinking of using any of three we looked at.

So, the title of my article is

How affiliate marketing can easily earn you extra income on the side without lifting a finger

Now, below are the opening remarks or introduction of that title.

Most affiliate markets don’t earn as much as they should because they get it all wrong. When Mark first got his start in online marketing, he tried it and accidentally found out that there was a little mistake every affiliate marketer(including him) was making, so he sought out on a journey to correct and that’s when real dollars start pouring into this checking account.

Now, let me ask you this simple question: Don’t you think that intro would captivate affiliate marketers looking for ways of making more commissions or those listening to his show?

After you have written the entire article of post, you share it on places like medium.com or on LinkedIn groups or with other affiliate or internet marketers.

You may share it on your social media fan pages too and more people will get to know your podcast show. As you keep sharing those pieces consistently over time, your audience will grow in leaps and bounds.

Having said that, let’s look at some of the best podcast transcription service or software on the market and how you can know which one is right for you.

Let’s look at a few of the best podcast transcription tools out there with great accuracy.

First on the list is Descript.

Descript is an automatic and human powered transcription software or tool that can be used to edit both audio and video files. It automatically transcribes your videos with 96% accuracy and it detects multiple speakers effortlessly. Unlike other software, it costs per minute.

Next on the bill is Rev. com. It is one of the oldest and well known podcast transcriptions tools on the market and used by majority of podcasters. It also comes at a cost per minute.

There’s also another option called Temi. Temi is one of the fastest and easiest ways to convert audio to text and it has about 90 to 95 percent accuracy.

