Podcast Headphones on a Budget

Mike Mahony
Podcasting Influencers
2 min readSep 12, 2018

Podcast headphones are an essential piece of equipment for anyone editing a podcast, but they can be quite expensive. Today I want to show you the headphones I use and explain why I love them.

Headphones are a very important accessory when podcasting. Both during recording and while editing, podcast headphones make a huge difference in the quality of the show. There are several things that are important when buying podcast headphones.


You want headphones that sound true to the audio.

Most consumer headphones are designed with music- and other entertainment-listening in mind. These podcast headphones will enhance certain frequencies. While this will sound great for entertainment, you need a more accurate reproduction of your audio.

This is called flat frequency response. Professional headphones labeled as “studio” or “monitor” headphones will try to maintain this flat frequency response, but some will still “color” your sound a little.


You spend a lot of time wearing podcast headphones so you want them to be comfortable. This is a key consideration when buying podcast headphones.


You can get obscenely priced headphones. This is why I recommend a budget of between $70 and $100 for your podcast headphones. This will get you a decent pair like the pair I use (see later in this article).


Being able to carry your headphones with you is going to be very important. Podcast headphones will be used in many different places so they must be portable.

Sony MDR 7506 Headphones

I recommend the Sony MDR 7506 headphones. I purchased mine on Amazon several years ago. I’ve had to replace the ear cups once in 5 years. They are very durable, give great sound quality and are very comfortable for podcast headphones. I have found that they can be worn for hours on end with little to no issues at all. I purchased a hard case to carry them in. They fold up and become extremely portable as well. You should give these a try!

Originally published at yogispodcastnetwork.com on September 12, 2018.



Mike Mahony
Podcasting Influencers

I am a 30-year technology professional currently serving as the Chief Web Scientist for The Web Scientists, a progressive technology services organization.