Using a Mobile Device to Podcast

Mike Mahony
Podcasting Influencers
4 min readAug 29, 2018

Using a mobile device to podcast is becoming easier and easier with higher and higher audio quality capabilities. Giving yourself the ability to podcast on the go might address the issue where you come up with a great idea and don’t want to forget it. Maybe you want to share a great conversation, but don’t have your usual equipment available. Using a mobile device is the perfect solution to the problem.

You will first need to know how to record a professional-sounding podcast on a mobile device. Learning this is going to broaden your reach and ensure that you don’t miss golden opportunities to capture great content. Even if you have no plans to go mobile right now, there’s every reason to have the ability to pull these skills from your back pocket at a moment’s notice — after all, some of the best, most impactful opportunities come without warning.

The podcasting market is booming. A fast search on Amazon will yield over 200 pages of equipment to help with recording, which can be more than a little overwhelming. We broke down what we believe to be the best options for recording on your mobile device based on versatility, transportability, affordability, and, of course, sound quality.

You are going to want to invest in 3 tools to help you with podcasting from a mobile device.

BossJock Studio

You will need a great app to record your episodes using your mobile device. There are so many options for apps that will record a podcast. Only a few handle it with professional quality. That number further decreases when you include the need to record from two mics at the same time.

That’s why BossJock Studio is considered by so many to be the holy grail of pro-quality recording on the go. It’s only $10 and lets you export directly to your account, as well as upload and publish your content as an mp3 file, all the while delivering killer sound quality.

It is a wise investment because it gives you the flexibility you need to use a mobile device for recording your podcast.

iRig Mic Lav

When looking for a mobile microphone, you want it to be compact, durable, and capable of recording high-quality sound. The iRig Mic Lav meets that criteria and then some. It is a solid mic and currently has a 4 star rating on Amazon.

It’s a hands-free mic that literally fits in your pocket and provides professional-quality recording for an iPhone, iPad, and Android. It’s also “chainable”, which, in human speak, means you can easily link two mics to the same device, making it super easy to record interviews.

Twisted Wave

You’ve got your app to record awesome content, you’ve got your mics to make it sound great, now all you need is an editor to polish it up for publishing.

For $10, TwistedWave offers detailed editing capabilities with a super simple, intuitive interface. Using just your fingers you can make precise, accurate selections on the screen of your phone or tablet, which are easily transferable back and forth to the aforementioned BossJock app for easy publication.

Just think of how amazing it will be not to be bogged down by big bags of expensive equipment. With these 3 items in your pocket you can podcast at a conference, show, coffeehouse or hotel and produce professional and high-quality results.

It is important to realize these tools are capable of producing a high-quality podcast, but they’re not miracle workers. A fully-equipped studio will give you marginally better results than any mobile apps can deliver, but that’s no reason to miss the ample opportunities that come with being able to record on the go.

Many people get caught up in perfect production when that energy would be much better spent on quality content. Mobile podcasting will inevitably come with certain limitations and an air of rawness that you might not get in a studio, but if the content you’re providing is stellar, most listeners couldn’t care less if production isn’t picture perfect.

Originally published at on August 29, 2018.



Mike Mahony
Podcasting Influencers

I am a 30-year technology professional currently serving as the Chief Web Scientist for The Web Scientists, a progressive technology services organization.