Announcing Podfan

Jamie Perkins
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2019

Today I’m excited to announce Podfan: Membership for podcasts.

Podfan is not launched yet but you can visit the site and reserve your Podfan URL today.

“But I already have a Patreon. What’s different about Podfan?”

Great question. 2 key-differences:

1. Podfan is Podcast-first

Your Podfan page is built specifically for your podcast. It’s designed to encourage people to engage with your podcast, subscribe to it, listen to it and support it. You can customize everything from host profiles, to subscribe links, add your social & merch links, and specify a featured episode. People can read your updates, browse episodes, and of course, become a supporter.

2. Podfan doesn’t skim membership payments.

Instead, Podfan will charge a flat rate of $0.25 USD per supporter per month — You can offer whatever rewards you want at whatever monthly price you want. Podfan also offers the ability to create a member-only feed, which you can release member-only episodes on, do early releases, or provide archive access on.

Podfan also offers similar features to Patreon, like the ability to post updates, and respond to listener comments, and email listeners when a new update or episode is posted. It’s the perfect companion site to your podcast. Highly customizable and designed to help listeners engage with your show.

Who are you?

You may remember me from such projects as — a social podcast player (now shut down), and — mapping the world’s podcasts. I’m a bit obsessed with podcasts.

Great. When can I get it?

Later this year. But you can get your Podfan URL today. All you need is your podcast’s RSS feed link and about one minute.

Thanks for reading, I can’t wait to share more Podfan updates with you soon.



Jamie Perkins
Writer for

Dreamer and schemer, designer turned developer. Lover of music and fine ales.