Podcast Consumers Are an Advertiser’s Dream

Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2021


In podcasting there is a relationship unlike any other between the host, listener, and advertiser. Over 100 million Americans listen to a podcast at least once a month. We are just beginning to see advertisers take advantage of the podcasting landscape, and there are many areas that are still being explored.

The statistics around podcast advertising immediately jumps out to any brand or marketer. IAB reported that:

  • 78% of listeners approve of podcast advertising
  • 67% of listeners remember the brands and products from podcast ads
  • 63% of listeners made a purchase after hearing a podcast ad

Why does podcast advertising work so well? The intimate nature of podcasting leads to listeners paying attention and retaining the information around the host read ad spots. Podcast hosts understand their content better than anyone and have proven that the best personalities are able to integrate ads seamlessly into their content. Podcasting also offers brands and marketers the ability to reach hard to engage segments like millennials and cord-cutters.

With over 2,000,000 podcasts and countless networks how can advertisers cut through the noise and ensure they are effectively allocating spend within the podcast segment? PODGO, the membership-based platform that connects advertisers with small podcasts, offers advertisers a unique way to engage podcast listeners. The team at PODGO heavily vets every applicant so that as an advertiser you are able to create a campaign based on audience and demographic data. PODGO has been able to work with brands such as the NBA, Fanatics, FedEx and many other to run successful podcast ad campaigns.

At PODGO we have been able to aggregate small podcasts that have a highly targeted, highly engaged audience. On average, PODGO members receive 400 listens per episode. In a study, we found that PODGO members spend 5 hours a week researching, recording and editing their podcast episodes. Because these hosts are working so hard on their content, they want to control the brands and products that are promoted alongside their voice. This dedication to their show shines through in an ad read because the audience can feel that authenticity.

Learn how you can start a campaign today on PODGO and leverage the power medium of podcasting to reach your prospective customers!




PODGO is a membership based platform that helps connect small podcasts to advertising opportunities. Get in contact with us at info@podgo.co