Making the Interview Podcast More Effective

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3 min readMay 24, 2019

Interviewing someone is the ideal method to create content online. When a person appreciates a brand, it is very effective as it fills the gaps in it.

Benefits of an interview:

-You always make unique content which refills the energy by motivating. You can provide the expert advice without being an expert.

- Raising the authority level due to the public associations with the person being interviewed.

- Building relationships with the interviewee which would increase the growth opportunities for your brand and you as well.

It’s not just asking questions about anything. Instead, it should be genuine, in a flow, concerned and deeper digging, exploring the unexplored, interesting stories all at the same time.

Following are the tips for making the interview podcast more effective:

• Interviews help you and your brand and also the interviewer as they get exposure to your audience as well. The priority should be to enlighten the audience. Ask the meaningful questions to get meaningful answers which eventually help the audience to consume the content. This is the best way to serve your audience and in return, you will get the appreciation.

• The pre-interview homework is a must. re a few questions to ask the interviewee.

o You should know more than the audience about the person to ask the right questions and deeper to introduce the person. If possible, find the existing interviews to compute their tone, style, and layout the questions accordingly.

o Need to confirm the availability of the person and the length of the interview as well. If there is a time difference, also confirm the communication mode.

• While preparing the questions, there are some do’s and don’t.

o Firstly, prepare a template (list of questions) in which path is mentioned starting to end.

o Don’t stick 100% to it.

o Take 2–3 follow-up for each question depending upon the answer.

o Don’t ask yes or no questions.

o Ask one question at a time.

o Keep the questions creative but relevant.

o Try to phrase a question which allows the interviewee to expand it.

o Get the list of questions verified by the person so that interviewee is comfortable to answer.

• Providing a welcoming and friendly environment to the respondent to make the person comfortable and answer in a friendlier tone. Here are some tips to make the environment favorable:

o Introduce yourself as an interviewer and make them comfy and let them know it’s just a normal conversation.

o Share all the details before starting recording.

o Share the questions to check once whether they are comfortable to answer.

o Thanks, them for giving time before even start.

• Talk with the person to make them feel better and engage in a conversation to record without interruption later. The more you are into the conversation the more are the chances of no interruption. Remember you have given them a chance to share their story. It’s completely about them and you are facilitating them only.

• Let them finish their answer. Don’t interrupt in between and don’t get bored and don’t even be uninterested. Be an active listener and engage more to ask them deeper with interest.

• The quality of a podcast matters a lot. It shouldn’t be low or medium. It must be high and clear which helps the audience to engage more. People aren’t interested in low-quality podcasts.

• Have fun! Don’t make the interview a task or burden or duty or anything as it will be reflected in the audio. Record while enjoying your time and have a great experience, develop new relations as well with the interviewee and produce some engaging content.




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