PodMiners Welcoming The Community Advisor Nikita Vasilevich On Board

Published in
1 min readAug 23, 2019
Nikita Vasilevich

PodMiners is glad to announce that CEO of Biznes Akula, Nikita Vasilevich has joined the PodMiners’ advisory board. He is graduated form Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics. He has good analytical skills, competitive market analysis, development strategy planning, a mathematical mindset.

He has been working in the field of attracting investments and new users to blockchain projects since 2017, with main focus in marketing in Europe and Asia. He has successfully worked with more than twenty blockchain projects in the area of ​​attracting investments and new users for them.

By joining PodMiners’ advisory board he’ll help us growing and managing communities. He’ll help us establishing our business communication with Russian community, potential investors and clients. He has mutually trusting relationships with a number of people interested in investing in the blockchain.

Looking forward to a great association and exciting outcomes.




A blockchain-powered digital radio & podcasting platform for creators and consumers. Visit us: https://www.podminers.com