Parlour Games — Game #1

3 Pods, 1 invisible thread

2 min readApr 20, 2020


Listen where and how you want…then guess at what it’s all supposed to mean! Photo by Daria Litvinova on Unsplash

Come and play with us! In this Parlour Game, you have a playlist of 3 podcast episodes, all connected by one invisible thread.

Playing along is simple:

Listen to the episodes (in this case, the order doesn’t matter)

Hypothesize on what you think the connection is and write a response post.

That’s it!

There are no wrong answers. The connections you draw will probably be totally different than what the game’s author intended…which is the point and the delight in the Parlour Game.

Our first ever edition of this game is a playlist that features the story of one of the most devastating computer hacks of all time, a man on trial for allegedly murdering his wife, and the back story of the hair Scrunchie.

Happy listening and thanks for playing!

Listening note: while this episode begins by stating that it’s Part 3 in a 3 part series, you will not be lost by only tuning into this one (the other two are great and all but this game has rules!).
Listening note: This episode does contain descriptions that could be triggering for some listeners.

Thanks for reading. To play along, click below to Write a Response and share your thoughts on how these are all connected.

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