Guide: Bridging tokens to Polygon Mainnet

Connecting Polygon mainnet in Metamask and bridging your tokens

Published in
5 min readJul 13, 2021


Using a scalability solution is almost a must nowadays, where interacting with contracts in the Ethereum Mainnet can be very costly from a gas perspective.

With that in mind, we launched our Demo Release in Polygon. To use the app, it is necessary that users hold a token balance in Polygon Mainnet. If you have tokens in Ethereum mainnet you have to bridge them to Polygon mainnet.

Below we'll present a step-by-step guide on how to do it. The process consists of three parts:

  • Connect Polygon Mainnet in Metamask (as it doesn't come integrated as a default).
  • Make sure you have MATIC tokens (to pay for gas costs)
  • Bridge your tokens to Polygon.

Connecting Polygon Mainnet to Metamask

In order to add the Polygon Network to your Metamask, follow this step by step:

  1. Open your Metamask
  2. Click on the Networks section
  3. Once the Networks list shows up, click on "Custom RPC"
  4. Add the following information:

Network Name: Polygon Mainnet

New RPC URL (choose one of the URLs below):

Chain ID: 137

Currency Symbol (optional): MATIC

Block Explorer URL (optional):

Step-by-step to add Polygon mainnet to MetaMask

Here is a quick video with the step-by-step:

Video guide on How to Connect Polygon Mainnet to Your Metamask

Interacting with Protocols in Polygon

To use the protocols in Polygon, it is necessary that you:

  1. Have MATIC tokens to pay for the gas costs (which at the moment are waaaaay cheaper when compared to the gas costs in the Ethereum mainnet)
  2. Bridge your tokens from Ethereum mainnet to Polygon

Getting MATIC tokens

Just like ETH is required to pay for the gas costs of any contract interaction in the Ethereum Mainnet MATIC is necessary (for the same reason) in Polygon.

You can get MATIC tokens in any DEX available in the Ethereum Mainnet (such as at @SushiSwap, @Uniswap, or @1inch, for example) and then bridge the tokens to Polygon.

Bridging tokens from Ethereum Mainnet to Polygon

Not only do you need MATIC tokens to make the most out of the protocols in Polygon, but you also need other tokens, such as stablecoins. At Pods, for example, having USDC or DAI is necessary to pay for the premium of the options bought, add as liquidity, mint put options.

Users can bring tokens from the Ethereum mainnet to Polygon through Polygon’s official bridge or through other protocols that provide this same service, such as Zapper.

Do not forget that MATIC tokens are necessary to interact with any contract in Polygon.

So let's go through a step-by-step here by using the official bridge.

  • Once the wallet is connected, select the token from Ethereum and input the desired amount that you would like to send to Polygon:

Tip: you can also bridge your MATIC tokens and then swap them for other tokens directly in the Polygon L2 by using @QuickswapDEX

Selecting token and amount to bridge
  • Click on Transfer
  • A quick summary of the transaction will appear
  • Then a summary of the gas costs will be shown.
Summary and gas costs of the transaction
  • Approve the transaction and then confirm it on your wallet:
  • Once the transaction is complete, your outstanding balance will be updated in Polygon's dashboard.

Here is a step by step video on how to bridge your tokens from Ethereum Mainnet to Polygon:

So that's it! You're ready to explore our app, hedge your crypto and save money with gas costs 🙌🏼

About Pods

Pods is a decentralized non-custodial options protocol. Users can create options and trade them through an Options AMM on the Ethereum Blockchain. Pods is the easiest way to hedge crypto in DeFi.

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Published in Pods

Pods is a decentralized non-custodial structured products protocol. With Pods Yield, users can accumulate more ETH through volatility without risking their capital.

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