Pods v0 is live on Kovan

And we are beta testing 🎉

Rafaella Baraldo
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2020


Pods is a decentralized non-custodial options protocol where users can participate as sellers or buyers of either puts or calls. Our options are continuous time instruments as they are American options and they are set to work with physical settlement, leaving no exposure to price oracles or liquidation systems.

Our goal is to make capital more efficient by allowing interest bearing tokens as collateral while selling an option.

By allowing option sellers to use aTokens as collateral, one can either get a higher return on their investment or buy the underlying asset at a more significant discount.

We know that interacting with options can be tricky so we tried to convey all the essential information in a simple UX. We want to hear your thoughts, ideas and feedbacks about how we can make this experience best for you and our community.

We’ll be beta testing for at least two weeks (we’ll extent if we feel it’s needed) and during this time we’ll schedule user interviews with beta testers, do focus groups and run a 2 min User Research to get the most feedback possible.

So if you didn’t apply for beta testing yet, you can still apply here or find us on Discord and we’ll send you the details for joining a beta testing group. It will be great to have you onboard!


  • Interest bearing token as collateral (aTokens).
  • American put options with physical settlement.
  • Unwind of the seller position.
  • No price oracles; liquidation system or exposure to admin keys.
  • Faucet package (to make everyone's life easier 😅).

Coming next

We have a lot to work on at Pods and we are looking forward to building this with you. If you are as interested in options and DeFi as we are, join us in our Discord channel. We’d love to hear your ideas and suggestions moving forward.

Let’s build this together! 🙏🏻

About Pods

Pods is a decentralized non-custodial options protocol. Users can create options and trade them through an Options AMM on the Ethereum Blockchain. Pods is the easiest way to hedge crypto in DeFi.

We invite you to take the first step in your new mission: start testing the app on app.pods.finance

Join the Pods community

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