stETHvv 2.0 Is Now Live 🔥

New features and security upgrades have been implemented in the latest version of stETHvv

Published in
3 min readDec 15, 2022


The newest version of stETHvv (stETH Volatility Vault) is now available for users to migrate their funds and get the most out of the new features available in v2.0. With new features and security upgrades, stETHvv offers a better experience and more security to users' funds.

As of today, deposits in the old version of stETHvv were halted, and only v2.0 is available. Until February 10th, both vaults will have the strategy running, but after this date, options buying will only happen on v2.0.

We strongly recommend users to migrate funds to the v2.0 as soon as possible to seize from the new features.

Let's go over the new features in this blog post.

UX Improvements

Making the user experience easier is a strong value at Pods. Having this in mind, we have made the following improvements:

  • Now the vault accepts ETH-denominated deposits. It uses Curve as the under-the-hood trading venue to convert ETH to stETH on behalf of the user at the moment of the deposit.
  • Exit at any time, even before the completion of the first week. The first week does not accrue a withdrawal fee. This measure prevents funds from being locked if access to the vault controller Multisig is restricted and the controller ended up never-ending a round.

Security Upgrades

Guaranteeing the safety of the code and users' funds is a high priority for Pods, which is why the following upgrades have been implemented on the new vault:

  • If one week has passed and no one has started a new round, any address will be able to end the round. This measure prevents funds from being locked if access to the vault controller Multisig is restricted.
  • We improved the data structure for the way that we handle the process deposits queue.
  • We use the OpenZeppelin ERC4626 version in the vault, a more battle-tested code.
  • We are using the OpenZeppelin math library instead of our own.

The migration brings a new set of smart contracts that have been audited multiple times over the past couple of months:

The code is already open source for you to inspect.

Step-by-Step to Migrate to v2.0

  1. Click on the card “stETH Volatility Vault [Deprecated]”

2. Go to “Actions” section and the funds available to migrate should load automatically. Click on “Migrate funds”

3. You should sign and approve the migration on MetaMask. And you’re done! Your funds are now available in the stETHvv 2.0 🔥

About Pods

Strategies, vaults, primitives, or tooling. We are building DeFi as we would like to use it.

We invite you to take the first step in your new mission: start earning on top of your stETH on Pods Yield app on

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