The End of Season 1 is here

Go claim your NFT in Galaxy and check the benefits to its holders

Published in
3 min readDec 23, 2021


We are excited to announce that we’ve come to the end of Season 1 of our NFT Rewards program after almost three months after the launch 🔥

Our users can now go to GalaxyHQ’s website and claim the NFTs from the following campaigns (you can check the eligible addresses here):

  • Beta testers: 12556 eligible addresses — claimable until January 1st
  • Demo users: 386 eligible addresses — claimable until February 1st
  • New Frens: 1419 eligible addresses — claimable until February 1st
  • LPs: 2461 eligible addresses — claimable until February 1st

You can read more about the eligibility rules in the blogpost below:

The LP Points

The Season 1 NFT for LPs comes with a pointing system that favors mainly the amount of time the user stayed in the pool, guaranteeing the liquidity in the pools of our protocol.

The way of calculating the scoreLP follows the formulas below:

ScoreAddLiquidity = (totalAmountInUSD)² * (expirationDate — addingLiquidityDate)³ * (addingLiquidityDate / expiration date)²ScoreRemoveLiquidity = - (totalAmountInUSD)² * (expirationDate — removingLiquidityDate)³ * (removingLiquidityDate / expiration date)²scoreLP = ΣScoreAddLiquidity + ΣScoreRemoveLiquidity

Users can check their scores here.

The benefits to the community

All NFTs come with benefits— the NFT is cute but we want them to be useful for our community and here are some of the benefits it comes with:

  • Each type of NFT will represent a community role in our Discord Channel — more details on this will be disclosed later as we're looking for the best tools to do this.
  • Early access to new products we have on the roadmap for our v1.2 and v2
  • Community calls with the team
  • Possibility to receive additional accessories for the NFTs according to participation in community
  • Voting on assets and option parameters (strike asset, collateral asset, and maturity)
  • Retroactive rewards
  • Reputation systems
  • Many more ideas that the community may develop with the team

The Hatching

The hatching of the eggs of each NFT will happen on January 17th at 19:00 UTC and more details will be disclosed by the team closer to the date.


About Pods

Pods is a decentralized non-custodial options protocol. Users can create options and trade them through an Options AMM on the Ethereum Blockchain. Pods is the easiest way to hedge crypto in DeFi.

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