Is Podzilla immune to COVID-19?

Jesse Lawler
Podzilla App
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2020


As with just about everything else in the world, our expectations for the start of 2020 were up-ended by the global lockdown caused by SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19).

We were planning a nice, bouncy Kickstarter launch right around the first week of April… And you can guess what happened.

Fun Fact: We co-founders got together in Los Angeles to shoot the Kickstarter video just about 2 weeks before air travel pretty much ground to a halt and schools started cancelling nationwide. Glad we got that trip in under the wire, so we at least have our video ready. (Sigh.)

Luckily, everyone in our immediate posse is healthy, locked-down, and stocked-up on toilet paper… But we’ve decided that with mass unemployment, a tanking economy, and a reasonable background simmering of existential panic, Kickstarter projects are probably the last thing on anyone’s mind right now.

So, Podzilla is biding its time, and our Kickstarter will be ready to emerge when these bigger global issues sort themselves out. For all our sakes, we’re crossing our fingers that this is sooner than later.

What are we doing during this down-time?

We’re going to be as productive as we can for the next few weeks, and here’s what we’re planning:

  • Reaching out to podcasters whom we can introduce to our platform right now. (If you’re reading this, maybe you’re one of them!)
  • Recording initial episodes of PodzillaCast, our variety-show podcast guide. We won’t be publishing these episodes yet, but we will have a backlog ready to spring on the world at the same time as our Kickstarter goes live. (This is actually an improvement on our initial plan.)
  • If all else fails, write code! If we run out of other things to do before the COVID-19 lockdown ends, we can accelerate the timeline for coding the app itself. If nothing else, this will give some even-more-accurate screen grabs and demos that we can put into the Kickstarter materials when they go live.

That’s all for this update. Hope each of you out there are healthy, safe, and as unaffected-as-possible by the worldwide bummer happening right now. Here’s to better times ahead!



Jesse Lawler
Podzilla App

Software Dev, Podcast Host, Skeptic, Techno-Optimist. Opinions expressed have a half-life of ~96 hours.