PodzillaCast — A Podzillian Test-Case

Jesse Lawler
Podzilla App
Published in
3 min readJun 18, 2020


All that we know for sure about Podzilla’s user community — which, as of this writing, is about six months from existing — is that they’re big lovers of podcasts.

We know you’re out there, because we are you. (Okay, that sounded spookier than we meant it.)

But we love and listen to a ton of podcasts, and we know we’re not alone. At some point, the podcast heavy-listener realizes that podcasts are great during the morning commute…but they work when you’re doing the dishes to. Or walking the dog. Or in the shower on your surprisingly-shower-friendly AirPods. Or…

And then you tip over into the type of person who is looking for new podcasts to listen to.*

* Remember: It’s only podcast addiction if it has negative effects on your life! And that’s real science.

So, PodzillaCast.

So at the same time as we’re building Podzilla, we’re also launching PodzillaCast, a podcast that looks around at the world of podcasting, highlighting one show per episode, across a whole spectrum of genres. Because you never know what you’re missing, if you don’t even know to look for it.

Personally, I’m heavy into podcasts on science, politics, history, and Bitcoin. But there’s such a jungle of shows in each one of those genres, I’m painfully aware of how many other such jungles I don’t even know about.

Just since getting going with Podzilla, I’ve learned there’s a slew of podcasts dedicated to real-time Dungeons & Dragons playing. And that apparently “true crime” podcasts are wildly popular…and the biggest listener demographic is soccer moms. Who knew?

PodzillaCast is going to be a genre-sampler, featuring a short interview (~15–30 minutes) with a host from a show that hopefully, you won’t have heard of yet. Enough to give you the gist of their show and personality, and let you know if you want to test-subscribe to their main feed.

As you’d imagine, all featured shows will be available on Podzilla — just like every single other show with a public feed. :)

What about ads in PodzillaCast?

You’re kidding, right? Here’s where PodzillaCast gets to be a fun proof-of-concept for Podzilla:

  • If you listen on a non-Podzilla podcast player, you’ll hear the embedded ads for Podzilla.
  • If you listen on Podzilla, PodzillaCast is ad-free.

Pretty slick, eh?

Honestly, the biggest internal debate we’re having here at Podzilla HQ is whether to make the ads for Podzilla so painfully obnoxious that they reenforce why ads are worth skipping, or if we should keep them a bit more…well, dignified.

The jury is still out on this one.

Have a favorite show you’d like to see highlighted on PodzillaCast?

Drop us an email or tweet at us. We’ll reach out to the podcaster — or to you, if you’re ruthlessly self-promoting. (Which we’re down with!)



Jesse Lawler
Podzilla App

Software Dev, Podcast Host, Skeptic, Techno-Optimist. Opinions expressed have a half-life of ~96 hours.