
JK March
Poem a Day
Published in
Nov 23, 2020

I grew up peering through colored cassettes
Believing that there are magical songbirds
Set out to make me the happiest in the world
How else could I have it so good

I wondered why people frown
For I only knew sadness by the minute
What is there not to smile over

When I could not change a dear someone’s frown
For over a year
I broke

I wondered why people care to win
For without unconditional love
What is there

I walked by houses hidden by trees
Feeling the warm spring breeze
Believing my experience and invisible senses
Have made me the best glassmaker
In whispers I understood

Child, don’t be sad that a deeply rooted tree
Can only share its acorns



JK March
Poem a Day

Bite-sized epiphanies on the road of life. “Wandering we find our way”— Vincent van Gogh