Much to Say

JK March
Poem a Day
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2020

There is so much I want to say
A lot of it is repurposed ideas from others
But the most precious words
Always seem to hide within

Some words are more precious when left unsaid
Like my temptation to rain compliments on you
Might leave you self-conscious
At least today

Some words are drowned out by the chatter
Due to a template in mind, a storyline
People have a habit of talking over others and even themselves
Without listening today

Some words are unhealthy projections
Of trying to change others from the outside
But change is not unequivocally good
So we hold our tongues today

Some words are too fragile
And die upon impact with reality
The tiniest embers of wishes
That will not be tested today

Yet some other insights seem quite powerful
Those make you giddy with intense happiness
But nobody was searching for them but yourself
You are meant to be the bell that rings it most resonantly

Everyone else is ringing the bells of their truths
In their grand concert halls
I wonder
When does healthy validation become an echo chamber
When do we hear each other again

Because I don’t have time to finish my words
And as I struggled for breath I realized
We had forgotten that most of us
Are trying to say identical things
With wildly different methodologies
The same exact true core
Which is to say
How do I make life better today



JK March
Poem a Day

Bite-sized epiphanies on the road of life. “Wandering we find our way”— Vincent van Gogh