Turtles traveling time

Excellent! Crazy! Deeper than your average pond!

Mohammed Brückner
Poems For The Masses
5 min readApr 28, 2023


Timmy and Tommy were two turtles who lived in a pond near a big city. They liked to swim around and eat lettuce, but they also liked to watch the humans who came to visit the park. They saw them walking, running, driving, talking, laughing, and doing all kinds of things that turtles could not do.

One day, Timmy and Tommy decided to explore the park and see what else they could find. They crawled out of the pond and followed a path that led them to a strange metal box with wires and buttons. It had a sign that said “Time Machine”.

“Wow, what is this?” Timmy asked.

“I don’t know, but it looks interesting,” Tommy said.

“Maybe it can take us to another time,” Timmy said.

“Another time? What do you mean?” Tommy asked.

“Well, you know how humans always seem to be in a hurry? They always say they don’t have enough time. Maybe this machine can give them more time,” Timmy said.

“Or maybe it can take away their time,” Tommy said.

“Why would they want that?” Timmy asked.

“Maybe they want to go back to the past or forward to the future,” Tommy said.

“That sounds fun. Let’s try it,” Timmy said.

They climbed into the metal box and looked at the buttons. They saw one that said “Past” and one that said “Future”. They also saw a dial that had numbers from 1 to 10.

“Which one should we press?” Timmy asked.

“Let’s go to the past first,” Tommy said.

They pressed the button that said “Past” and turned the dial to 10. The metal box started to shake and make noises. Then it stopped and opened.

Timmy and Tommy peeked outside and saw a very different park. There were no humans, no cars, no buildings, no noise. There were only trees, grass, flowers, birds, and animals.

“Wow, this is amazing,” Timmy said.

“This must be how the park looked before humans came,” Tommy said.

They crawled out of the metal box and explored the park. They saw squirrels, rabbits, deer, foxes, and other creatures. They also saw other turtles who looked like them.

“Hello,” Timmy said to one of them.

“Hello,” the turtle said back.

“What’s your name?” Timmy asked.

“My name is Tilly,” the turtle said.

“I’m Timmy and this is Tommy. We’re from the future,” Timmy said.

“The future? What’s that?” Tilly asked.

“It’s a time when humans live here and do all kinds of things,” Timmy said.

“Things like what?” Tilly asked.

Timmy and Tommy tried to explain what they had seen in their time, but Tilly did not understand. She looked confused and scared.

“That sounds terrible,” she said.

“It’s not so bad. Humans can be nice sometimes. They give us lettuce,” Timmy said.

“Lettuce? What’s that?” Tilly asked.

“It’s a green leafy thing that tastes good,” Timmy said.

“I’ve never seen anything like that,” Tilly said.

“You should try it sometime. It’s delicious,” Timmy said.

“Maybe I will,” Tilly said.

They continued to talk and play with Tilly and her friends. They had a lot of fun and learned a lot about the past. They also forgot about the time machine until they heard a loud beep.

“Oh no, we have to go back,” Timmy said.

“Why?” Tilly asked.

“The time machine has a timer. It will take us back to our time soon,” Timmy said.

“Can’t you stay longer?” Tilly asked.

“I wish we could, but we can’t. Maybe we’ll see you again someday,” Timmy said.

They hugged Tilly and her friends goodbye and ran back to the metal box. They climbed inside and closed the door. The metal box started to shake and make noises again. Then it stopped and opened again.

Timmy and Tommy peeked outside and saw their familiar park again. There were humans, cars, buildings, noise, and lettuce everywhere.

“We’re back,” Timmy said.

“That was fun,” Tommy said.

“Do you want to try the future now?” Timmy asked.

“Sure, why not?” Tommy said.

They pressed the button that said “Future” and turned the dial to 10 again. The metal box started to shake and make noises again. Then it stopped and opened again.

Timmy and Tommy peeked outside and saw a very different park again. There were no trees, no grass, no flowers, no birds, no animals. There were only metal, glass, wires, lights, and machines. There were also humans, but they looked very different. They had metal parts on their bodies, such as arms, legs, eyes, and ears. They also had wires and devices attached to their heads. They did not talk or laugh or do anything that turtles could recognize. They just moved around and stared at screens.

“Wow, this is scary,” Timmy said.

“This must be how the park looks after humans change everything,” Tommy said.

They crawled out of the metal box and tried to find something familiar. They saw a pile of green leafy things that looked like lettuce.

“Look, lettuce!” Timmy said.

“Let’s eat some,” Tommy said.

They ran towards the pile and started to munch on the leaves. They tasted good and made them feel happy.

“Yum, yum,” Timmy said.

“Yum, yum,” Tommy said.

They did not notice that the pile of lettuce was actually a trap. As soon as they ate enough leaves, a metal net came down and captured them. They also did not notice that the net was connected to a machine that scanned their brains and recorded their memories.

“Help, help,” Timmy said.

“We’re trapped,” Tommy said.

They tried to escape but it was too late. The machine had already downloaded everything they knew and saw. It analyzed their data and sent it to a human scientist who was working on a project called “The History of Life on Earth”.

The human scientist looked at the screen and saw the images of the past and the future that Timmy and Tommy had seen. He was amazed and excited. He had never seen anything like that before. He had just discovered a new source of information for his project.

He decided to keep Timmy and Tommy as his pets and study them more. He also decided to name them “T1” and “T2”. He thought they were cute and funny.

He did not realize that he had just changed the course of history by capturing two time-traveling turtles who had seen things that no one else had seen.

The End



Mohammed Brückner
Poems For The Masses

Author of "IT is not magic, it's architecture", "The DALL-E Cookbook For Great AI Art: For Artists. For Enthusiasts."- Visit https://platformeconomies.com