Stardust and The Wild Man

A Love Story.

Swirling, swirling -
Someone is here.

He’s all around me.

I See Stardust, and
I Am Stardust.
He is swirling me around,
Feeling his way.

Moving me to his liking,
Listening for pleasure sounds, and
Pouncing again making me
Crazy with delight and desire.

The Wild Man of my love.
The Source of my need.

Crazy, wonderful Wild Man.

Jo Ann Harris is an author, parent, book devotee, writer, copywriter, and film fanatic. She is an autodidact who learns about everything and rows her own boat. She grew up and worked in Atlanta, Georgia and lived there sixty years. She writes articles about love, hope, personal life stories, advice and poems. She is a published author with an article published in Woman’s World magazine in October, 2017. You can read more of her work in her publication on Medium named Poems From The Heart by Jo Ann or just go to her profile page.



Jo Ann Harris, Writer of Daily Musings
Poems From the Heart by Jo Ann

Writing on Medium since 2018. Writer for Illumination. I write on a myriad of subjects with you in mind.