I am so happy in my loneliness

Nita Jain
poems from the pandemic
May 23, 2021


My imagination runs wild

Nothing disturbs this divine bliss

A beautiful fantastic solitary reverie

Secrets exchanged in the spectacular now

A choir of souls singing in perfect harmony

Life unfolding before my very eyes

I feel the power of a thousand splendid suns

Unlocking the ties that bind deep beneath my melanin skin

Sending sparks flying in every direction

Dancing and flittering amok with wild abandon

Sporting mischievous grins shrouded in mystery

Utterly joyful and oblivious to judgement

Free from inhibition yet bound by love’s gravity

I remain steadfastly cemented in my belief

No greater pleasure exists than the thrill of discovery



Nita Jain
poems from the pandemic

I share health and science insights to improve your quality of life | nitajain.substack.com