How Might We Teach

Brian Hoffstein
Published in
1 min readJun 8, 2018

These people know not. So

How might we teach?

They know this.

They know that.

We agreed on it.

We find that to be this.

They don’t see, yet, how that is this and this is that. Yet

It’s so swift, so simple and easy. (Or so we thought.)

The Master knows wherever he goes

He carries with him the love of a timeless thing.

In his understanding — realization of this — he finds the essence of grace.

You can find it. You can find it.

You can find it.

Three things will not long be hidden, Buddha said,

The sun, the moon, and the truth.

Like a mind-held knife slicing the cosmos with its tao

Beating the drums of Om, in heart as mind,

The presence is the present. Now. Now. Now.

Do you see it?

We are it too! That becomes us, we become it.

Recycling like respiration, breathing

turtles all the way down.

Multidimensional vibrations of life-stuff

Sorting the world in the space between atoms.

Aleph. Bet. Gimel.

Signaling Love. Strife — Love Strife!

