
Published in
1 min readDec 8, 2019

To flow, it’s not so essential to know.
To grow, it sure is.

But only if you understood,
You’ll choose to flow.

27th November, 19
11:57 Am, New York


A lot of us can’t get rid of the voices in our head. These voices stop us from exploring the unknown, to uncover the true essence of our being. The voices are a manifestation of over-thinking fueled by the habit-altering algorithm-enabled media platforms that surround us and the society that can’t keep up with it. It’s the friction at this junction that causes chaos inside and out. But we have only us to blame. The golden era of information blinded us with its promise of the growth lifestyle.

Ironically, long-lasting fulfilment doesn’t need any of this. Its essence is truly felt in simplicity. All it needs is you and your focus on the flow.

Flow is a state of no-mind that embraces chaos but doesn’t get affected by it. It’s a state that inspires to explore the unknown and not fear it. It’s not the way of life. It is life, itself.

Flow, forever.



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