Mindless Kinds

Published in
2 min readDec 20, 2018
Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

They wanna control you, your soul, your time
The more you cry, the more they try
Money and false hope is what they return,
You lack nothing but an option, so, can’t deny.

They don't want to let you spend what is yours
A commission on everything you do, they plan
They'll smile and help and hug and kiss you, of course
But if you revolt or deny they'll put you out of the clan.

Strength is what you need to get back to them,
It's disguised in your fear, which is in their hand.
A favour, not more than words, can satisfy you, oh Damn.
There's a BETTER choice than this, you gotta understand.

When was the last time, they let you out
To think and spend and love and play.
"Think Big, Dream Big", they always shout
"Shhhh" they whisper, everytime "LET'S...", you say.

"Do it", a slogan they gave to widen the trap
Where 'exceptional fate' is always ahead.
"You still lack it, you gotta learn more, ASAP ".
They'll give you an EASY way, so..... Don't use your HEAD .

It's time to reshuffle the roles for once
Funny them and foolish us, the usual game.
Fun can fool you, for its different from the usual resonance
Being Intellectually Mindless Geniuses, we've no Shame

"If it's easy, it's a trap", they'll say again
Confusion they induce, in our fragile minds.
To further induce "It takes a lot to go on their way", insane!
They selected us, cause we're all the same Mindless Kinds.

-Prathamesh Patel
3 Feb, 16
12:15 PM

I have always wondered who Controls the world, the systems that we follow? Why do we have to follow them in the first place? Why thinking is a necessity for living? What if i don’t want to think at all? What if information is not as good as we are told it is? What if enlightenment is a myth? If ideas are human construct, isn’t the world too the same? We won’t know. We’re all Mindless Kinds. But they do know. They know it all.

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