Never To Return

Published in
2 min readDec 19, 2018

Only with time we’ll know
What our feelings have to say.
For now, I’m stuck in the present
Incapable to think about the future.

I'm not sure if I love you,
Only, that I miss you.
It's a void inside,
Everything clearly outside.

I burst out for its new
Then I apologize to renew.
I don't feel I deserve
What you give me in return.

I'm going far away,
For a long time
With no plans to return
No plans to dance along.

It's a choice I had to make
To leave you, to leave Us.
For I won't be able to love you
If I don't do justice with my work.

I love everything wonderful,
I love our times together.
No plans to have it all back,
To hold you back either.

I don't know how to do this,
To say goodbye without a tear.
I am never coming back,
And it kills me, the fear.

I feel incomplete,
And hence I shall run,
To feel fulfilled from within,
Could never feel it all.

If my life works out,
The way I want it to,
I'll be able to die in peace
Never to return.

-Prathamesh Patel
Nov 26, 18
5:39 PM

Wrote it for my home town. While I’m travelling and working away from home, building companies, there is someone inside who wishes to be home every night. For once, I let him speak.

I have been waiting to publish my work. Well, this is just a beginning.



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