The Individual

Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2022
Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash

Can you really see me? Can you really see anything? Why do you care so much about it all that doesn’t matter? Choice? Free Will? When was the last time you checked if had any free will left? When was the last time you asked whether you know where the choices come from?

No you never asked! You never ask.

Why don’t you?

Are you trying to be obedient? Like it’s the 3rd Grade School Class? Didn’t you dream of building your own world in the 3rd Grade?

You did tell me that you did. What happened to your 3rd grade self. How did you become so gradeless, so helpless, so obsessed with the made-up choices and somebody else’s opinions & ideas?

What happened to your ideas? your opinions? Did you stop thinking about them? Did you give up today or was it in the 4th grade? Why would you give up so easy? Why not fight back and think through it all?

Didn’t you fight for your free ice cream in the third grade risking it all in front of your dad? When did you stop fighting for what’s whole heartedly yours, your ideas? Why did you buy-in to the choices-myth so easy?

damn, you were strong. you were a being. you were breathing.

you were you before you were poisoned by the other. Before you gave up your will and succumbed to the comfort of the choice. The myth of the choice gave you comfort and you willingly sold your will for nothing.

Why sell yourself cheap for the chase of the mythical expensive choice?

I was proud of you in 3rd Grade. I was excited for you. I was watching you.

But you caved. You deceived yourself. for who? for the other?

Be ashamed and don’t look in the mirror, for shadows don’t have reflections. All they have is a collection of nothing.

The mirror in the 3rd grade reflected a being. You murdered the being, and died.

When will you be born again and claim what is yours?

It’s all yours, you know that right? the others didn’t tell you.

Well, why would they?

they got what they wanted. Absolute chaos.

And the price? Your soul. Your will. Your Being.

Wake up now. be born again.

Don’t be so cheap.

Just Be.

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-Prathamesh Patel
8:59 PM, 15th February 2022



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