Announcing Expanded Schema Options

E Blog
Published in
1 min readJul 18, 2019 is building the better web: the decentralized protocol suite for content attribution, discovery, monetization, and reputation.

As part of our Connecting the Dots milestone, we’ve made progress towards expanding the schema and shipped some new functionality that will help support more use cases. This update comes in tandem with our newly added support for audio, video, and image files. With new file types, an expanded schema is required to fully describe the content. Therefore we added support for over 100 properties to describe CreativeWork, VideoObject, AudioObject, and ImageObject from

Expanded schema options allow for more flexible claims that support a wider variety of use cases.

We are planning to continuously expand the available schema options to accommodate new use cases. If there are any particular attributes you’d like to see us implement, please drop us a note in Telegram.

We hope you enjoy this new update and find more ways to express information about your content!

