August 2019 Monthly Update

David Turner Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2019 is building the better web: the decentralized protocol suite for content attribution, discovery, monetization and reputation.

August was a month of building up to the largest news we’ve in almost a year. In fact, this will be the most important announcement we’ve had since launching

If you’re active in Telegram, you know how much I hate announcing a pre-announcement to an announcement, but I want to make sure that everyone is paying attention as it’ll have an effect on every user and POE token holder.

Phase 1 of the Roadmap

In the coming days, we will have released the last part of Phase 1 of the Connecting the Dots roadmap. We are putting out the ability to make claims about claims plus making a claim about multiple pieces of content. These are the fundamental building blocks for powering everything about licensing, plagiarism, or reputation.

We’ve rebuilt a good bit of the Works Explorer application on to more accurately highlight what’s actually happening ‘underneath the hood.’ Instead of an individual claim being the focus of how you interact with, we’ll start to show the entire picture that exists of what we know about that content.

Below is a screenshot from our QA developer environment showing the connections between the Bitcoin whitepaper where there are conflicting versions plus conflicting claims of authorship. We think it’s a pretty great first use case for testing the code out and tweaking the interface.

However, this is just the first step for this interface. It’s still super clumsy to use and will take some additional development cycles to get it right. We’d love to hear your feedback on what you do and don’t like so be sure to drop by Telegram with your opinions.

Phase 2 and the Future

With Phase 1 completed, we’ll be knocking off the “Additional claim types” and “Significant Works Explorer updates” checkmarks. We should be progressing on to Phase 2 of the roadmap and beginning work on the incentivized curation networks, but the plans are changing.

In early September, we’ll be announcing some pretty dramatic changes to how we’re moving forward. We will not be going to continue development on Phase 2 of the Connecting the Dots roadmap. Instead, we’ll be replacing it with a completely new roadmap that more accurately reflects how we need to move forward.

We’ve learned so much since the project originally began and want to ensure that we’re accurately focused on our goal of building a better web around the virtues of trust, verifiability, and accountability. Our new path forward is going to give us the renewed strength we’ll need for the long haul. Regardless of what the market does or immature state of blockchain tech or any other excuse we could come up with, we’ve continued to steadily make forward progress.

I appreciate you being part of our journey and keep an eye out for what’s to come!

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