July 2019 Monthly Update

David Turner
Po.et Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2019

Po.et is building the better web: the decentralized protocol suite for content attribution, discovery, monetization and reputation.

I first want to recognize that we had multiple community members reach out to help pitch in and we thank you! If you think you’re in a position to help Po.et out somehow, please send me a message on Telegram.

We launched the first round of enhancements to the default schema options earlier in the month and have already seen multiple people start using them. There is now support for over 100 different pieces of information about your creative works. We’ve continued to rely on open standards from W3C’s schema.org and will keep adding more options as they get requested.

Team Developments

To kick off August, we’ll also be welcoming a new developer on to the Po.et team. He’s previously been working on other projects within the BTC Inc. family and we’re incredibly excited to have his efforts on Po.et. We’ve already begun some of the initial on-boarding and familiarization with all of the repositories on Github (we have over 80 repos worth of code built up over the years!).

We’re also talking with other Ethereum developers to help get more momentum with Phase 2 of the Connecting the Dots roadmap. We’ve been proceeding pretty slowly here with the contract development and instead focusing on the Bitcoin-side of Po.et for a long time, but excited to get the contract development further along. Internally, we’re exploring all opportunities for the long-term development of any registries / smart contracts that engage with the Po.et. I’ve started working with Elliot on content the more accurately describes how that would look in practice.


And, to “save” the best for last, I want to mention Bryan Isbell’s contribution to the Po.et community, @savetopoet!

We had reached out to Bryan to find ways to collaborate together right before the summer and this concept of a twitter bot really stood out as a great opportunity to build to raise the awareness of Po.et.

The general idea is simple: tweet at the bot in order to easily screenshot and record the text of any public tweet.

Immutability and timestamping are very important concepts to Po.et and the savetopoet bot does a great job at simplifying the experience so that anyone with a Twitter account can engage with the Po.et network.

Right after the initial launch, Bryan also added in the additional feature to be reminded about a tweet later on, which was based on feedback that came into the Po.et team.


In fact, the tweet above was saved to Po.et using the bot (very meta)!

For August, my personal goal is to keep recruiting community members to build these types of proof of concept applications, so please reach out to us on Telegram if you have an idea. We’d love to help you bring your concepts to life!

The focus for everyone else will be to keep chipping away at the new claim types that will allow for more complex relationships to be built on Po.et.

If you’re a Solidity developer and want to come work with us on the next phase of Po.et, shoot over your information to contact@po.et and let’s chat!

