Po.et Blog
Published in
1 min readNov 18, 2020


Po.et community,

This update is long overdue. After the partnership with Echo didn’t materialize and COVID forced BTC Inc., the parent company of Po.et, to cancel its flagship conference and restructure operations, we needed some time to figure out the best path forward. We appreciate the patience and we’re excited to share more details about a new road ahead that’s been under development for a while (actually, since 2018!).

Before we get to the exciting news though, we’re aware of the delisting on Binance (POE was flagged for having low trading volume). This is unfortunate, and we’ve been discussing with their team and asking them to reconsider. However, regardless of what happens with Binance, we’re setting up and seeding a Uniswap pool to provide liquidity instead — that’s the great thing about permissionless technology.

With the new roadmap and partnership for Po.et that we’ll announce next week, POE and the liquidity pool will have a new, additional use case based on our expanded vision. As much as we’d like to share the whole picture today, we’re moving more diligently and deliberately given our experience with migrating to Echo.

So stay tuned and much more to come soon! Thank you for your continued support of Po.et.



Po.et Blog

The decentralized protocol for content ownership, discovery and monetization in media | Read more: blog.po.et | Join us on telegram: https://t.me/poetofficial