The WordPress Plugin Is Live!

David Turner Blog
Published in
4 min readApr 13, 2018

I’m thrilled to announce that our last significant milestone of Rosetta Era — releasing an official WordPress plugin — was accepted into WordPress’ Plugin Directory last week. The Team would like to give a special thanks to the folks at KnowledgeArc for their contributions to the plugin as well as their continued high level of involvement in community. Seeing our request in the Gitter channel, Hayden at KnowledgeArc jumped on the opportunity to make the plugin a reality.

Now, I would like to cover how to get the plugin installed and set up to work with the Frost API. Once this is done, any WordPress users can start timestamping their content on the Network!

Please make sure that you have the ability to install Wordpress plugins before continuing. If you’re using, you’ll need to have a Business level account.

First, let me reiterate what the Frost API is, does and how it works.

Frost is a basic programming interface that works with the Network. Fortunately, using the plugin allows users to skip having to do any of the programming. To get your content onto the Network, the plugin will need to know how to identify you via an API token from Frost. Disclaimer: This is not a POE token. Instead, it’s only an internal identifier to the Network. Please do not give this out to other people, or else they can use your identity on the Network.

The basic gist:

  1. Sign up for the Frost API.
  2. Install the WordPress Plugin.
  3. Get a Frost API token and put it into the plugin.
  4. Publish!

Sign up for the Frost API.

You can navigate to our Frost website. In the top right corner, you’ll see a blue button for Login / Sign Up. Click the button, fill in your email and password, and check out the disclaimer. After you submit, you’ll get an email to confirm your email address and your browser will redirect you to your Frost Dashboard.

Install the WordPress Plugin.

There are two options for installing the plugin. You can install the plugin manually or, if you have an upgraded WordPress plan, you can do it from the Plugin Directory.

If manually installing, you need to download the plugin first from The “Download” button is on the top right side of the plugin information.

If you are installing from the WordPress Plugin Directory, visit the plugin dashboard of your WordPress Admin screen and then search “” (include the period). The search area is on the right side of the screen.

For installing manually, click the “Upload Plugin” button highlighted in the first red box in the screenshot. It will then prompt you to upload the zip file that you downloaded just a minute ago.

For automatically installing the plugin, click the “Install Now” button (highlighted toward the middle of the screenshot above).

Next, set your Frost API settings within the plugin:

Once you have done this, make sure to save changes.

Finally, the last step you need to do before publishing content to the Network is to activate the plugin in Wordpress.

Once you’re finished with these steps, the new content you create automatically publishes your works to the Network! Optionally, you can use the shortcode of “[poet-badge]” in your posts to display a “Timestamped with” badge.

Because WordPress is in use by over 30 percent of the websites in the world, we knew that it would be a significant source for getting more content to the Network. We’re so excited that you’re going to also be adding your works.

Just because the plugin has been launched doesn’t mean that it won’t get any enhancements. In fact, we know we have lots of room for improvement. We’re thinking through our options currently, so please feel free to start up a conversation in Telegram with other community members. We’re listening!

As any feature enhancements get released, we’ll be updating our documentation portal for Frost at

If you’re looking for other integrations to major publishing platforms, we also already have plugins for Drupal and Joomla. Find links to those and our other programming SDKs at

If you’re interested in checking out the code, go to

Super excited to be part of the team, and there’s plenty more to come!

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The decentralized protocol for content ownership, discovery and monetization in media

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