Weekly Update from Jarrod — July 3rd, 2018

Jarrod Dicker
Po.et Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2018
Weekly Update

Recency, Relevancy and the Birth of Reputation

The web is built on two components: recency and relevancy. Every single thing that’s searchable, digestible or created on the web is driven from these two notions. How can I find the most recent content? How can I find the most relatable content, verbatim to my search? What has happened is that the consumer-driven web has affected the creator-driven web — and that’s not a good thing.


I think it’s very important to emphasize the differences between the product and the business of media. Journalism is the product. Outside of news, the content and information delivered is the product. Your art is the product. Media is the business. The business shouldn’t directly influence the artistic integrity and motive of the product. It’s supposed to complement it, not drive it.

The web was built on discovery, and discovery has two indicators of value when it comes to finding content. As mentioned above, those two are recency and relevancy. Unfortunately, the discovery behaviors impacted journalism behaviors (business influencing product). This influenced IP, ownership and what goes into the “process of thought.” Writers and creators started changing the way they create content based on how users search for it and find it. And that is unfortunate, because it limits the artistic freedom of creators and the true value of the product of journalism. This is the value that blockchain technology will bring; how can we put value back into the hands of creators? How can we show that content, music, art, EVERYTHING is undervalued and put true emphasis on the value of a creator’s work?

This is the value of Po.et.

Over the past six months, we’ve worked hard to expedite the development and marketing of the next phase of the Po.et Project in preparation for the next six months. You’ve read this in our blog posts, watched at our speaking engagements and every medium beyond. We are approaching important milestones with Po.et and have been transparent on what’s coming, when and how. Big things to keep an eye out for:

  1. Moving to mainnet
  2. Alpha partner announcements
  3. Engineering milestones that coincide with mainnet (batching, licensing, marketplaces)
  4. Technical partnerships and POEDL (Po.et Development Labs) programs

The next three months will be the most exciting and important moments in Po.et history since its inception. This will be when Po.et goes mainstream and begins its journey to change the way the world looks at information, IP and the value of reputation. Please don’t blink, as you may miss the updates being released.

As always, stay committed, stay excited and stay focused on what’s next. We’re going to change the world.

