Weekly Update from Jarrod — June 26th, 2018

Jarrod Dicker
Po.et Blog
Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2018
Weekly Update

Today is going to be a quick update because we are moving faster than ever before, and I don’t want to distract from all of our progress. Here it is:

  1. Partnering: We’re moving hard on partnerships and looking to onboard initial alpha partners soon. We’re being very selective here to make sure that we can build great proofs of concept with corporate partners on Po.et. Remember, this is outside of all of the amazing partnerships we’re also doing with POEDL (Po.et Development Labs) and the community progress. Things are starting to all come together.
  2. Growth: We are adding to the Po.et roster in engineering and operations. In a time when some are slowing down, we’re ramping up. Why? Because we are growing and scaling, hammering through our road map and looking to get the most value to you (securely!) as soon as possible.
  3. Mainnet-ting: As I mentioned in my post last week, we’re on the road to mainnet. We’ve started to release engineering progress reports (https://blog.po.et/june-2018-po-et-engineering-progress-report-522b78e491fc), use cases (https://blog.po.et/a-decentralized-approach-to-media-transparency-3b2666ba7773) and overall updates on our progress. This will begin accelerating quickly, so keep your eyes out for all of the information being released on this front. We will make sure to put it front and center as we roll everything out.

OK, back to work. Go Po.et!

