Weekly Update from Jarrod — June 5th, 2018

Jarrod Dicker
Po.et Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2018
Weekly Update

Po.et: The Buzziest Blockchain

Yesterday, there was some buzz about Po.et in an article from Quartz. The piece focused on Civil, a journalism platform, as well as leaders in the broader space. This is what it had to say about Po.et:

“And then there are broader efforts to route the provenance of any type of content through a blockchain. The buzziest is Po.et, led by the former vice president for innovation at the Washington Post, Jarrod Dicker. Dicker’s pedigree from the traditional media world lends heft to Po.et’s attempt to devise a new way for content to be tracked across the internet, and for rights and payments to accrue to content creators more efficiently. … Po.et’s mission in turn echoes that of an earlier startup called Mediachain, which attempted to track every image on the internet using a blockchain — and which was acquired by Spotify, possibly to solve licensing woes that was causing it to pay out tens of millions in legal settlements.”

You can read the article in its entirety here: https://qz.com/1294661/token-curated-registries-are-the-blockchain-solution-to-elon-musks-media-problem/.

Being the buzziest doesn’t necessarily mean being the best. That has to be proven. In order to ensure our marketing efforts and commercial presence coincide, our engineering team is putting in a lot of work behind closed doors. We want to make sure we are supported with the best blockchain technology products and protocol on the market, period. Our vice president of engineering said it best in his latest post:

“Po.et is building the platform for the world’s creative assets: the internet of content value. It’s not just another walled-garden content-license marketplace, but the protocol foundations that all future content software can build on. Think of it like the TCP/IP of content value: the core foundation of tomorrow’s internet. Everything online revolves around content, and our primary mission is to unlock the value of that content.”

Check out the full post here: https://blog.po.et/in-the-crypto-ecosystem-its-still-1968-but-we-re-moving-fast-8995770a2863.

I strongly encourage you all to read Eric’s post, as it gives a look behind the curtain of what’s happening on the engineering side at Po.et — most notably our road to mainnet. It not only focuses on where we are going but how we’re going to get there, while putting a spotlight on where the market is today. Being a part of this journey means being a part of history and working toward the next phase of blockchain opportunity in the media ecosystem.

There is SO MUCH happening, and I know you all are on the edge of your seats for the next release and update. David, Eric and the entire team are working hard to not just communicate our updates and broader vision but to ship valuable product as well. All of this is happening in real time.

Today’s newsletter highlights Po.et in Portugal, our AdMonsters acknowledgement, more media updates and the work of our amazing community. If you haven’t signed up for it yet, I encourage you to subscribe on our website: http://po.et.

There is so much more. Here’s to the next 30, 60, 90.

Go Po.et!

