

Krysta Williams
Poetic Echoes
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2024


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Have you ever danced with the darkness, unsure of the dawn?

I’ve always been afraid of the dark, but now, it seems to be my signature mark.

I lay there, pondering: what’s next?

I was high on control, but now I’m almost always vex.

I used to care and needed to know everything.

The who, what, where, when, and how was my every sing.

I would have never dreamt that I could lose control.

Lose myself or, worse, lose the hope in my soul.

Seven days adrift in my crumpled bed.

I don’t even bother to comb my hair. What’s the point if I plan on staying here.

My bathroom has cobwebs with the exception of the duty depot.

Whether I want to or not,

I must admit that’s one thing I can’t ignore.

As I must stand at attention or, better yet, sit, when those duties hit me to the core.

The laundry pile high, not to mention the dishes.

Disposable containers from the last months’ worth of my deliverable wishes.

All my plans derailed. My life is off-track.

Thinking, this can’t be the end of me. I must conquer the darkness and bring the light back.

I know that I have a purpose, even if I have not yet discerned it. Looking to tomorrow, I’m definitely worth it.

I am a flame, ignited to fulfill a duty. This is the aim. I will shine my light to help others do the same.



Krysta Williams
Poetic Echoes

An award-winning author with a passion for storytelling and poetry. My goal is to inspire and empower, aiming to change the world one article at a time.