Babies Are Angels

LeTavious Hemingway
Poetic Ice Rants
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2020

It’s been an emotional week for me. The first week in May has been hard as hell for me since losing my dad, so needless to say I’m fragile. But losing my mom last year makes the approaching Mother’s Day really hard. My wife and I starting watching a Madea movie while doing housework and a scene came up of Loretta Devine passing away in a hospital. Without warning after laughing for the past 40 minutes I broke down in silent sobs, tears streaming down my face chest tight. My wife comforted me because she’s purely amazing but then something mad my heart swell up with pride and I cried a little more. My 10 month old son, without understanding or provocation walked over to me ( we were sitting on the floor) and rest his head on my shoulder and hugged my neck. He held me for a long time and wouldn’t let go. He kept looking into my face to check on me and poked his lip out in sadness as of to say he felt what I felt. He didn’t like seeing me in pain. I had to keep telling him I was okay. And I had to be okay! I had to get right for him because it was breaking his little bit enormous heart. We don’t deserve these little angels that we call kids. I love you Liam, with all my heart. Thank god for you and your mother Devin Vestal Hemingway

Rest in paradise mom and dad….



LeTavious Hemingway
Poetic Ice Rants

I’m a lover of writing poetry, short stories and novels everything ranging from drama to science fiction are up for grabs with me!