LeTavious Hemingway
Poetic Ice Rants
Published in
2 min readMay 28, 2020


I can’t breathe

And I haven’t been breathing for years

I’m too choked up on tears

Or was it actually fears?

I can’t breathe

Garner couldn’t gather his breath in 2014

It was that cops job to suffocate on scene

He was protecting and serving like a heartless machine

I can’t breathe

Neither can Breonna Taylor after a misplaced raid

For innocently resting after EMT work a price was paid

Shot 8 times causing her light to fade

I can’t fucking breath

Ultimate action for non violent crimes

Cops choked out George Floyd as he lay their confined

Joining the pantheon of those murdered in these times

I can’t breathe

When it’s okay to kneel on black America’s neck

But lord willing we must keep Kapernick’s knee in check!

How dare he stand for equal respect

I can’t breath

Because I’ve lost count of the cases

So many situations so many places

Just to breath while black sours their faces

I can’t breathe

Because I was sentenced at birth

My melanin determined my worth

Just who are you to judge me on Earth?

I can’t breathe

because I have to teach my son to hold his tongue and hold his breath

One wrong word could mean his death

But even when he complies his life could be stolen by racist theft

I can’t breathe

Because black America doesn’t know whether to vote or fight

Either could. cause execution on sight

But am I supposed to live in fright?

I can’t breath

The hands of racism threaten my life

Where their could be unity they cause only strife

This is the reality of the black man, always under the knife

I can’t breathe



LeTavious Hemingway
Poetic Ice Rants

I’m a lover of writing poetry, short stories and novels everything ranging from drama to science fiction are up for grabs with me! www.poeticice.com