Evil Blood

Charlotte VanDerLouis
Poetic Legacy
Published in
1 min readOct 12, 2019

Evil blood flows through my veins I need to suck the toxins out.

My mind has been taken over by a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, there’s no doubt.

I feel the conflict within me, can I hold on or might I let go?

The fractured mind, a tortured soul, a troubled heart who can know?

If I don’t find relief soon, I don’t know how I can survive.

Drugs or booze or an illicit affair something to numb the pain I feel inside.

Punishment by fire, slice open the guilt, let the sorrow run free.

If I’m here tomorrow, no one will be more surprised than me.



Charlotte VanDerLouis
Poetic Legacy

I want to reach your heart & soul by writing stories that resonate & inspire you. I am at charlottevanderlouis@gmail.com I also hang out at writethestuff.com