The Rapprochement of Yin and Yang

Poetic Mindfulness
Poetic Mindfulness
Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2020

The power structure and colonial hegemony are in cahoots with each other. They endeavor to destroy the organic connection and dynamic equilibrium of everything by drawing a clear line to classify things all the way.

Under the institution of duality, the exclusiveness, dominance, and supervision of the superior to the inferior, power becomes the scepter of colonial dominance, and the subjectivity of individuals cannot have the right to enjoy a deep breath of life.

“Any level of relationship is arranged in binary opposition, which is a patriarchal value system or theory-centered ideas. In the end, all thoughts, concepts, cultural codes, and value systems are always attributed to the binary opposition level of male superiority and female inferiority”. The paraphrase is based on Cixous’s opinion..

What kind of situation can the duality phenomenon lead to? For example, Hekman’s “more” overwhelms the “less” principle, PlumWood “exclusively blocks diversity”, Bordo “ration be masculinized”, and Lloyd “objects become targets of aggression”.

The world loses the harmony of balance under the opposition of hierarchy. Under the dual system, the body is classified as a “lower female” class. No matter in human culture or in personal life, the connection between mind and body becomes an interface of discord. As a result, individual personality overshadowed, and the entire human civilization is developing in deviation.

The body and mind are like yin and yang opposing each other but inseparable. As in Hegel’s dialectics, the synthesis is a statement through which the differences between the two points ( the thesis and the antithesis ) are resolved, they need a third force other than yin and yang — such as yin and yang in harmony in a circle — in the range of the circle, the natural law will unite them so that each has its own status, complements each other, and mutually fusion makes the whole present a natural and harmonious state.

This “circle” that reconciles the yin and yang of the body and mind is a life posture that enables the body and mind to respect, understand, and communicate mutually.

The meaning of this writing, by highlighting the demands of the subjectivity of the body, will bring the antagonistic ideology of a singular world under the peaceful illusion, and lead to the politics of difference in a diversified world that affirms the difference in different balanced realities, and further reveals the importance of a holistic life form through the integration of the body and the mind.


Cixous, Hélène(1986). Sorties. In Cixous, Helene and Catherine Clement. The Newly Born Woman. Trans. Betsy Wing. Minneapolis:U of Winnesota P.

Hekman. Susan J. (1990) Gender and knowledge: Element of a Postmodern Feminism (p.83). Boston: Northeastern UP.

Plumwood, Val. (1993).Feminism and the Mastery of Nature (p. 107).London: Routledge.

Bordo, Susan. (1987).The Flight to Objectivity: Essays on Cartesianism and Culture. Albany: State U of New York P.

Lloyd. Genevieve. (1984). The Man of Reason: “Male” and “Female” in Western Philosophy. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P.

Originally published at on September 10, 2020.



Poetic Mindfulness
Poetic Mindfulness

slow down my brain, breathe deeply, foster present-moment awareness, keep an open and friendly mind to appreciate what is going on in and around me.