Poetic News, Thursday, October 24 2019

Where we consider the ebbs and flow of a m0dernity hellbent on sustaining itself

wimpy af
Poetic News
1 min readOct 24, 2019


via Associated Press

Up and Down.
Boom and Slump.
These are the ways
we have traversed m0dernity.

In high school,
my ska-punk mentor once said:
“Look around, Wimpy.
Concrete is litter.”

via Associated Press

So when the waves begin to crash in South and Central America,
and the ozone layer, surprisingly decides to heal itself
Who is going to move our lighthouse?
To safer sounds, security?

via NBC



wimpy af
Poetic News

Archivist moonlighting as a poet and painter. I tell the news through poems at @PoeticNews. The AF is for Afrofuturist. IG:@wimpyaf