In the Mirror is You

Markita Wright
Poetic Essences
Published in
4 min readSep 5, 2024

Freelance Expression

Photo by Fares Hamouche on Unsplash

I hope that when you see each scar, you see that you gained strength and your alive here one more day.

I hope that when the mirror is reflected you see all the great work you’ve done with your presence and that outweighs all the lows you have.

I hope when you see every tattoo that you see the art each chapter made and ridiculous moments that have stayed

are memories of chance.

The probability of you making each choice and how you chose to use your voice

you see that you broke through the noise

of everything indifferent.

I hope that when you look out you see all the beauty you’ve created and the teacher you’ve been to the world and who you still have yet to be.

I hope you feel inspired by the beautiful soul in the mirror just as every fan, family member, and atmosphere atom is every day that you wake.

I can only pray and give you the lines I feel deep within. A gesture, adoration, and infinite views on all the unique pieces you’ve collected to show to the world.

A reason to smile, a reason to laugh, the reason why you have at one person on your side when it all comes crashing.

I will be the backup in verbal defense when there are unconscious minds

forcing a force-field around shadows,

diminishing misunderstanding felt in new perspectives,

they cry when mad —

and I will be glad

watching you slay the darkness that’s unbalanced.

You are an amazing mosaic made of coil, colors, pastels, ink, and glass.

Inside the mist of every waterfall of passion, there are multiple views filled with every new

you felt. All the pain, all the funny things, the memories you’ve overcome, the very life you chose to live —

you have every reason to look in the mirror and see the person you are becoming every day

to see every demon taken on still present

somewhere slain or not,

you see, the purpose of why it is there

and your strength mentally

is given great care.

You are loved. You are worthy.

Life makes us dizzy, it knocks us around,

to our hearts, they pound —

with our knees knelt on the ground

our paths are the sound

of a soul willing to fight

for what is right

to one another, our brothers, sisters,

To all,

when you feel small

remember you have more than these 4 walls,


you will fall

but when you do

you’ll get back up,

you’ll move on because you are strong.

There is love

all around, in the words

in the sounds,

all the things we haven’t found,

there is more than war around.

Remember that flower,

the one that stood out,

the ones you had to look at

just to admire how they…..


The cloud that looked funny right before danger caught your eye,

I hope you see more inside.

I hope you acknowledge your every tear is collecting an ocean or pond of blessings to pour out on you in what way

and you will be more than who you are today, come what may.

You’ve just started to experience this day, two-day.

Yes, I hope that you see

you are just like the coffee grounds

that made the brew

and more vibrant than what is sought.

There are things that happen every day that question life but just remember you are living it.

You are and yet not every ripple through the river of muddy bottoms and cloudy sky, endless whys,

and seasons cried.

You are the canvas you paint

through night and day;

the reason why someone smiled today

you are you

and if given the chance,

to change you,

…….no way.

It’s not happening.

Dark or Light,

we are on flight

that has a purpose here.

Photo by Vladimir Fedotov on Unsplash

Now, go out and show the world

your turning gears,

they’re always turning in their own unique way, dear.

That’s why you’re the star of your life, no one else.


Good Morning, Evening or Night.

You have this life, make sure you’re enjoying it right.





Markita Wright
Poetic Essences

The only way out is through. Healing takes place through reflection. I write about my perceptions one f my life in the present. My words unique.