Questions for a Sister

Markita Wright
Poetic Essences
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2024

A Freelance Expression

Blurry photo of Me and My Sister
Ages 13 and 5

Have you ever felt a day

when I pushed you away

as I seen myself like Elsa

and you sung along to the song

that left me feeling I was always wrong?

If you ever heard Anna,

her bubbly nature

and desperate voice to feel love —

it’s as if you sung for me

and I couldn’t tell if you knew my fears of darkness.

Being intuitive is just like that,

they feel too scared to hear the truth

of what you can pick up on,

the things they hide,

their motives inside.

I made an aggressive barrier,

I ran, I let it snow

and loved the cold.

Hidden I stayed among the pain

until I found myself in the great lake of rage too ferocious to numb —

I burst —

And like the sequel,

here we are,

spring turned from ice to an ever freezing winter.

I had to take my time learning how to garden my thawing to see the harvest of tomorrow.

What is a better environment if I did not but bring you the same pain?

I’m sorry you were dealt more of the same.

But at the end of the day

I keep telling you to stay strong while I learn to move.

I seen how the struggle was on my own and there is so much you don’t yet know.

Now, you’re a young adult too.


I wonder, do you see these signs?

Are there things I can finally teach instead of pushing you away? Is there another way? Can I be the bubbly one today?

Do you feel you’ve been betrayed?

Good Morning, New Day💓

When I think back to the days when we were younger, I just don’t think we were meant to know one another long. I feel we were meant to learn lessons separately to eventually come together in a better way on day in the future. I had so much to learn and not enough time but I keep pushing forward and I hope you are too.

Sometimes we have plans and they get destroyed. We try and try again and I guess it wasn’t time for us to yet meet again.

Maybe one day we’ll meet once more an we’ll get to know each other all over again. Til then, just stay strong.

Life goes on.




Markita Wright
Poetic Essences

The only way out is through. Healing takes place through reflection. I write about my perceptions one f my life in the present. My words unique.