Submission Guidelines

Benedek Papp
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2017

Although, Poetrica is a place where you go through your own personal journey to understand, feel, and to criticise things around you, we need a few guidelines in order to be able to communicate our philosophy and to make the publication look aesthetically appealing.

We do not moderate for content, because we think everyone should be provided a place for the exploration of their selves. However, the style of writing and the grammatical correctness of your writing needs to be good in order to allow others in this community to best understand your thoughts or argument and therefore allowing them to provide quality responds.

From here on, there are only a few more steps, formalities, to follow.

1 Choose 1 out of 3
In this publication, there will be three types of writings. Poetry, Observations, and Discussions.

Poetry refers to any type of poetry that you want to write, there is no set rhyme scene, or rhythm, or structure, you are your own leader. This category is the least strict of all, because as long as you write in poetry style, you cannot go wrong.

Observations are everyday thoughts, metaphors or just short stories that you want to share with the community on this publication. Observations should be objective. This category has to be written in prose, otherwise we will consider it under the poetry section.

Discussions are argumentative points where you share your view on an argument. This should also be prose. Discussions have to be arguments in order for others to be able to comment and challenge the point you are making. Discussions will work like online debates.

2 Include a Picture
Pictures add a lot to the meaning of a poem, but they are also useful for someone who comes to the page to browse. Furthermore, in order to keep the homepage aesthetically pleasing for someone when coming to our community, pictures are inevitable. The quality and the size ( at least 300 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall) of the picture also matters a lot, and in order to keep everything organised, we ask every writer to include a picture.(Recommended from, where all the pictures can be downloaded freely and they all will work with medium.) If a picture is not included, or the quality and size is not good, in your submission, we will not consider it.

3 Focus
On this publication, we are trying to communicate the meaning of Poetrica, therefore we ask everyone to follow the focus of the publication. Our topics are very open, and almost everything can be categorised under our three categories (Poetry, Observations, Discussion).

4 Be yourself
Poetrica is about you.
We are not interseted in the work of someone else, and this is not what the publication is about. We are providing everyone in this community a chance to express themselves, their views and to find who they are. Thus, we will not accept any works that are not yours or have been published elsewhere, because that undermines the whole purpose of this community. (You can include works that you have written on another website). However, under the observation and discussion categories, you can discuss the works of a poet or writer or your interpretation of a movie, as long as it is an original, but more importantly it is your interpretation and idea, not someone else’s.

5 Be respectful
By submitting in our community, you acknowledge that you are, or at least your want to be a part of it, therefore we ask you to respect everyone in it.

6 Tag
Before publishing, you will have the opportunity to add tags to your story. You can have a maximum of 5 tags per story. We ask you to use the tag of the category you would like your piece to be published in.(Poetry, Observation, Discussion.) If the tag is not included, we will include it in the section where we think it fits best.

7 Publishing
For your first submission I ask you to email me your draft ( for review. I will send back an email regarding your story and in that email you will receive the further instructions you need to do.

If you think you have completed all of the above, do not hesitate to submit your writing, which will be reviewed and posted as soon as possible.

For submission email me ( following details; your Medium name, your work that you would like to publish.

Thank you for contributing to our community, you will be appreciated and well respected here.

“We gaze, and we also learn to love.”



Benedek Papp

Dunno why people refer to themselves in third person in their bios, but Benedek has a laptop and is ready to change the world.