The Melancholy Old Man


Dimas Putra R
2 min readJan 10, 2019


The old man stared at the sky
Oh it was so blue, he could feel it
deep inside his heart
Alighted instantly, became a comforting glimpse
A breeze touched his tight lips
The old man was upset before,
because of life that he couldn’t gripped
But the beauty of the sky was arousing his mind
He wanted to climb the hill again
Eliminate everything he fears
Although he had to walk alone, by himself

His sweat overflowed very profusely
His heart was beating so fast — rapidly
The old man ducked, facing the dry land without any flowers
Then he heard thousands of emphatic cries from where he stood
The cry that he often heard while at war
with the voices in his head

“Insecurity…” shouted the old man in his mind
He straightened up, prepared his eyes
to see what happened down there,
far from the hill

“Insecurity…” shouted the old man again

He inhaled the nature as deep as possible
The finest air he ever inhaled in his life


His eyes the gave a birth with a baby of tears
He moaned — heartbroken
because of what he saw

Then the old man said quietly
with both hands covering the face,
“Insecurity … I saw a disaster of insecurity sweeping the land of mankind.”



Dimas Putra R

This page is my collection of poetry and an absurd thought