
poetry about life
Published in
1 min readAug 10, 2020

My mind longs for a challenge,

Isn’t this work arduous, I probe?

Obligations of the day are essential for sure,

Completions of chores is crucial to the core,

Accomplishing to-do list is how we achieve,

Everyday goals and success that we seek;

Something is amiss, I deem,

To check boxes seems so bleak,

To complete lists gives mind little to play,

All it feels like is busyness of the day,

Everyone else seems quite content and pleased,

No pending emails,

All actions closed,

Success guaranteed;

What do you crave, I pose?

Desire to solve unsolvable,

Tasks that exhilarate,

Thrive with those that seek the same;

Probably this wandering is futile,

Seek excellence in the work of today,

Don’t despair the unknown way,

The path ahead can be joyous and gay,

When you seek the experience with wonder and play,

Be a student and learn its pathways.



poetry about life

Writing is my way to comprehend, appreciate and absorb life!