My Teacher

poetry about life
Published in
Nov 15, 2020

He teaches me to be mindful

He teaches me to be joyful

He teaches me to love my family

He teaches me to love my body

He teaches me to open my heart

He teaches me to grow my mind

He teaches me to care for myself

He teaches me to love thyself

He teaches me to stay focused

He teaches me not to rush when I am stressed

He teaches me the importance of silence

He teaches me the importance of expression

He teaches me the importance of learning

He teaches me the importance of music

He teaches me to enjoy small things in life

He teaches me the joy of watching the world go by

He teaches me to find the world in oneself

He teaches me to gather strength to face the world

He teaches me something new every day

Above all he teaches me to be me

For Him I am thankful every living day



poetry about life

Writing is my way to comprehend, appreciate and absorb life!