The Night

poetry about life
Published in
1 min readAug 23, 2020
Source: Unsplash

It is a moonless and starless night,

Strangely, it isn’t utterly dark,

Maybe the garden lights,

Or reflection of someone’s television on the glass,

The still air barely moving the Firs,

It isn’t hot or cold,

Wrapped up in a thin sheet I feel secure,

Scent of the lilies in air so pure,

No sound except a rare goose,

Or waves crashing on the shore,

In stillness of the night,

I marvel time’s lingering pace,

Mosquitos buzz near my face,

Sporadically, trying to disrupt my space,

I am jittery with the slightest stir,

May be a Bear wanders between the Firs,

The night is too beautiful to let the fears dominate,

Feeling the serenity of the night I deeply inhale,

Watching Firs and the mountain profile,

Skin feels comfort of the temperature tonight,

Breath inhaling the intense Lily bouquet,

Silence of the night speaks in so many ways,

Breathing deep, my belly rises and falls,

Minds tunes in with the rhythm of the night,

The time has paused, nowhere I need to be,

Just here with trees, water, mountain and flowers,

On this beautiful moonless starless night.



poetry about life

Writing is my way to comprehend, appreciate and absorb life!