poetry about life
Published in
Nov 15, 2020

The Start of a Decade: 2020

The year started with a promise

Beginning of a new decade,

The rain and grey sky loomed until February

Then came March with the promise of spring

Buds appeared and chirping of birds grew louder,

The pandemic unfortunately came with it,

The bright skies, the cheerful nature had a certain quiet

Ominous filled with uncertainty

Our lives were forced to stop

Not a gradual but a sudden halt,

No more rush of the morning commute

Or detailed weekend plans

Stay at home, keep your distance, wear your mask!

We were all bewildered,

A few weeks this was just passing we thought,

Our lives slowed down and we watched each day pass us by,

The blossoms were hues of white and pink all around,

The scent in the air was unmistakably spring,

The birds chirped louder than ever,

Roads quiet as if every day was a Sunday

The meals became conversations, no longer rushing to be somewhere

The weekends allowed for plentiful naps,

Stay at home, wash your hands, wear your mask,

The flowers bloomed, the birds chirped but there was a sadness in the world,

People dying suffering from the disease,

As if mother earth wanted to remind us of the balance we had lost.

poetry about life

Writing is my way to comprehend, appreciate and absorb life!