A perfume like hers…

Tasneem Kagalwalla
1 min readNov 16, 2016

Follow my lead, she whispered
from lips crimson red
as she let loose her hair
cascading waterfalls
the smell of fresh rain
on scorching hot terrain.

I ran my fingers through
only to pull her closer
she angled her face…
just enough,
for my lips to embrace hers.

I pulled back her curls…
she let me kiss her neck
her fragrance was of jasmine pearls.

Her arms they then tightened,
tingling the air in between
with hints of peppermint
as her nails marked my back
intoxicating were her fingerprints.

My hands went on to trace
the curves of her waist
I could taste
her skin:
the subtle extract of roses
’til my mouth it met
the heady musk at her navel.

Her back it arched then
I somehow knew it would
there she was;
sweating dabs of sandalwood.

Don’t stop, she said again and again
I obeyed;
how could I abstain?
this beautiful fairy tale
with every inhale
a bouquet of scents
a banquet of tastes
on every exhale


there she lay…
out of breath, unveiled.



Tasneem Kagalwalla

Life Strategist. Trainer. Speaker. Author ~ you are everything you choose to be ~ www.tasneemkagalwalla.com