
Immanuel R. Knight
2 min readJan 30, 2017
Photo of Mary Pickford, Creative Commons

Cooling down my cheek
There is but an ache
Come alive through the storm
As I gaze upon you
But an idol
(Only an image)
Though I can see
Clear and through

(It’s in the eyes)
Where angels sleep
And God sings so silently
Outside of anticipation
Beyond expectation
Your love is soft
Your heart is sweet
And I can feel it there

By what tears may I shed,
As I see you,
Floating by in head?
A dream too good to be true
The only one
A love long past due
How I ache!

I cannot see, as a blind man,
Deaf in heart and silenced by mind
Yet you there,
Outside of my selfishness
You, the glory,
Upon which heavens lay dormant
And the keys to truth are shaken

May I never have a warm tear when facing you,
One rooted in separation!
May I never bawl in ignorance
In the face of your majesty
You touch your heart to my lips
Only as I quiver
May never a warm tear streak my skin
Let them be cool, my love
Oh, let them be cool!
If you wish
If you dream
I shall be hushed
My cheeks will be dried
And my ache will be fulfilled

I see your smile
A smile in that sparkle,
That gaze,
Love that needs no words
No embrace
Not even a touch
Love that is perfect
Whose tears chill the eyes
With reality

A stare to freeze heaven
And put to rest this mad dream
No need to dance
No need to kiss
Only to hold you by my eyes
That you may keep me for your love
As a token

May my tears only ever reflect your love
May I only ever see you in their shimmer
And may they only ever satisfy you
For as you will what you shall
I shall what you will
My love,
My only



Immanuel R. Knight

Don’t let the dark times get you down. Wandering ways with words.