Sharpie marker drawing on wood. By Lisa Senters

How Close We Are

Lisa Senters
1 min readAug 14, 2016


I know the earth has such a space to
cross to give us just a day and I’m not
afraid of how far we must go.

I know a soldier is only as far from war
as he is to a stranger’s decision and
I know what a miracle it is for the sperm
to ever reach the egg;

Einstein said,

the minute is longer and
the mile is shorter for a man on a
moving train than it is for his friend at
the station.

It must be true as time slows until I see you
then rushes past once there, meaning time
moves differently for some than for others.

What I’m trying to say is, there is no empty
space between us — only geography, and
since distance disappears with motion,

let’s continue into the next mile,
fall into the next emotion, and
reach our nearest point.

Enjoy more from Lisa Senters

~ And More from Poetry After Dark



Lisa Senters

Artist | Writer | Human :: Everything I write has happened.